HACC combines vibrant student programming with a practical, flexible academic experience built to suit your needs. Our more than 12,800 degree-seeking students and more than 2,500 workforce development students across five campuses come from diverse backgrounds, with varied goals and aspirations for their time at HACC. Whether you’re about to graduate high school, looking to make a career switch, or continuing your education after a break, explore testimonials of current students and alumni to learn about all the ways HACC can serve as the next step in your journey.
“HACC has allowed me to find my true passion in life!”
“The Veteran’s Affairs office has been incredibly helpful with figuring out how to use my benefit. And the nursing advisors are great at making sure you know what your next steps are to stay on track.”
“HACC was a highly recommended and close school for me to receive my emergency medical technician certification.”
“I chose HACC because of the location and its placement for veterans.”
“After working in the IT industry as a systems engineer for many years, it became apparent that having a degree was becoming more important to rise in the industry.”
“Everyone is so nice and helpful. The schedule works for me and the teachers are great!”
“I really wanted to further my education after high school and do something that would impact or even just help others feel better.”
“My internship was a valuable experience because I learnt a lot. The opportunity given by HACC to offer internships for students is a tremendous help.”
“The one consistent thing in my life has been my education and I am forever grateful for that.”
“I can’t imagine what my life would be like without HACC as an option, and frankly I don’t want to.”
“…HACC meant opportunity, an opportunity for a better education, better friendships and a better lifestyle.”
“I'm receiving a top-notch education, and I feel smarter already. I’m envisioning my future, and it looks beautiful!”
“HACC has helped me show my daughter no matter your age or life circumstances, you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.”
“I wish people knew that HACC is much more than a community college. It’s a means to a better life.”
“It is the easiest and more affordable way of starting my career in college.”
“From application all the way through to now being in classes, everyone has been so caring and courteous and intent on making sure the processes go as smoothly as possible.”
“I have everything that I need here at my house and can get the same quality education, here at home.”
“I only knew a little English when I first arrived and now I'm getting ready to go on for my bachelor’s degree.”
“HACC has made my life better because I am able to take cheap, easy, and transferable credits in order to progress faster in my education.”
“It gave me a great opportunity to find myself and discover what I really want to do for the rest of my life.”
“I’m trying to push myself to succeed and try my very best.”
“HACC has given me the confidence to further my education and work towards my goal of starting my own business.”
“HACC has been wonderful to me. By the time I graduate high school, I will have 32 college credits completed – the equivalent of one year of college and at half the price of a four-year college!”
“I truly believe, and have seen it time and time again, that getting involved helps students apply what they're learning in class and plays a big role to their success in life.”
“The ability to work, be a full-time mother and student is easier due to the cost and location.”
“The professors, counselors and staff provided a safe and welcoming environment no matter your culture, sex, age or one's personal values or views.”
“The confidence I have developed after many years of not knowing what I wanted to do with my life is how HACC made my life better.”
“HACC provided a great education at a very reasonable cost.”
“I was set on attending a liberal arts college and looked forward to the freshman experience and being away from home. However, HACC proved to be one of the best decisions I have ever made.”
“I chose HACC because I heard amazing things about this community college.”
“What I like most about HACC is how nice and helpful the students and faculty are.”
“Every instructor shared their own personal stories and experiences, along with encouraging us to work harder and be our best.”
“After comparing many universities and colleges to this highly rated program, I not only am saving thousands of dollars but I am part of a prestigious community that cares about me and my future.”
“I think a lot of people think of HACC as just a community college, but it’s so much more.”
"From the moment I stepped on campus, I felt welcomed by a supportive community of peers, advisors and instructors."
“…I chose HACC since all of my classes would be paid for and there would not be much for me to cover tuition wise.”
“HACC has encouraged me to pursue what I love to do.”
“As I traveled and served my people I found out that most of them lack in the access to medical treatment, so my heart has always been to serve those in need.”
“I think people view community college as a last resort for college, when in reality, HACC has better opportunities than plenty of ‘more prestigious’ schools.”
“[HACC] has proven to me that I can succeed in college even when the odds are against me.”
“HACC allows you to complete an entire associate’s program online.”
“HACC will move mountains to try and help you. There’s so much in place here for students to ensure that they’re successful.”
“I think that many other people should take the opportunity because let’s face it – you don't get anywhere without taking chances.”
“I had reached my thirties and still felt I wanted to further my education, so I took the chance at HACC. I'm so glad I did.”
“I am very glad that I have professors and counselors that want to help me succeed in college.”
“I am back in school and I am able to pay for school without using a loan.”
“Don't underestimate the value of education through a community college.”
“I was 17 when I went to HACC, and my classes were filled with older students. It was really good for me because it gave a different perspective. HACC was probably the best learning experience I had."
“As a HACC student, I was able to work while taking classes to earn my degree as well as the capital to start my business."
“There are awesome people that work at HACC that want to help you succeed.”
“My academic experience at HACC was among the best experiences that I have had throughout my many years of attending higher education institutions.”
“HACC is a game changer in the Central PA region, as it has fostered numerous successful individuals, via a quality yet affordable education.”
“HACC will make sure you will succeed. They have a support system that will not let you fail.”
“HACC has been providing the support I have needed to get through a historical year.”
“HACC continues to be a vehicle for people of all ages and backgrounds to drive toward their dreams.”
“Scholarships represent one of the only viable options for the modern student to move forward without being held back by crippling debt
“The education there is the best. The teachers are the best!”
“HACC’s professors and staff are deeply invested in the culture of student learning. I would not exchange or give away the values and lessons I learned here at HACC. HACC is a beacon of light in Harrisburg, and all students should deeply consider letting HACC be their first choice for a quality and accessible higher education opportunity."
“HACC has made me feel like accomplishing something, no matter how long the process may take.”
“HACC has awesome professors. Professors that know who you are, know that you’re a busy person, and they work with you.”
“HACC is a staple in the community as the go-to institution for a quality education.”
“I attribute my success to having found myself at HACC and having received the support I needed.”
“I chose HACC because it was a great school that allowed me the flexibility and time to take care of my family and attend the classes that I needed.”
“[HACC] made it easier to have a balance between work, home and school.”
“I chose my major because I grew up in orphanage myself and it is a dream of mine to help families meet their needs.”
“You can do anything that you want to do, no matter what has happened or no matter what is happening, no matter what might happen…”
“HACC provided me an opportunity to become a better version of myself, exceed expectations, leave my mark on planet Earth and add more to my legacy.”
"HACC attendance benefits the individual, his or her employer and the community."
“I attribute my success to having found myself at HACC and having received the support I needed as a new student and a newcomer to the country.”
“If I had one piece of advice for an individual trying to choose a college, I would tell them to seriously consider attending a community college for the first few semesters of their college career.”
“HACC's open-door policy gave me the chance to prove myself.”
“I love being surrounded by people that want to make me the best person I can be.”
“HACC really prepares you for the outside world and gets you ready for your career.”
“I think HACC is an excellent place to grow as a person.”
“I enjoyed my time as a student at HACC so much that I wanted to give back. I was hired as an adjunct instructor in the Electrical Technology Program in 2017. Through teaching, I am able to take what I learned as a student, the knowledge and confidence that my HACC instructors instilled in me and my 15 years of experience in the construction and electrical field (prior to coming to HACC) to do right by my students and guide them. Honestly, it (teaching) is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.”
“I chose HACC because it’s an affordable option that allows for easy transfer.”
“HACC's automotive program is the same, if not better, than most dedicated technical schools out there.”
“I chose HACC because it’s allowing me the opportunity to do great things.”
“I will be able to save not only for myself, but for my family.”
“Every time I walk out of class, there will be a party or some kind of awesome event going on, and it definitely brightens up the mood of being at college.”
“In a harsh world, no one here has ever judged me. I have been encouraged and rewarded at HACC.”
“I am thankful that I am able to give back to so many students and hopefully make a positive impact on their lives.”
“With HACC, it is possible to attend college, work and raise children at the same time.”
“One of the great things about HACC is that you can stop and start as many times as you need and they’re always there.”
“My education at HACC was the cornerstone necessary for my successful climb into the corporate world.”
“HACC prepared me for a memorable career in law enforcement. I was able to form a close bond with the faculty and students at the Lancaster Campus that continues today.”
“[HACC is] a great way for people to get a higher or continuing education at an affordable price without having to leave their community.”
“[My grandmother] really enjoys it and even joked that she deserves a degree for all she has learned.”
“The student services HACC offers are wonderful, and the faculty is welcoming and willing to help every single student succeed.”
“HACC is a wonderful place to build yourself from the ground up in a judgment free zone.”
“I can speak English really good that sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them that I'm international.”
“I would not be where I am today had it not been for HACC’s program.”
“HACC showed me that you can get a degree, locally and at a great cost, which can prepare you for the future in more than one way.”
“Regarding the value HACC provides, I always like to say that the price you pay for the quality you get cannot be beaten.”
“HACC is a crucial part of allowing students like me to pursue their dreams. I would have never gone on to become a physician if I hadn't had the opportunity to start my education at HACC. I had been out of high school for over 10 years, and with working fulltime and raising a family, I never would have had the courage or ability to attend a four-year college. HACC makes education affordable.”
“I am able to work and attend school full time, it allows me to broaden connections and truly get to know the campus and resources that many times are overlooked.”
“There are so many opportunities at HACC that you wouldn’t even know about until you attend.”
"HACC has made my life better because it gives me the motivation to work for my education."
“One has a vision of what college kids look like, but at HACC you see people who are the same age range or ethnic background as you. You feel like you belong. At HACC, I always had the sense that the instructors were willing to do what was needed to help you succeed.”
“HACC has the amazing ability to open doors you never knew existed.”
“I have never been more successful than I am here.”
“HACC has just been a great experience because the staff and everyone are so welcoming and warming and they just encourage you to pursue your dreams.”
“Believe in yourself, set your standards high and watch as you shatter expectations and exceed your own goals.”
“I had the best professors in the world, and the veterans’ affairs office provided strong support.”
“HACC recognizes the needs of all types of people within the local community and makes learning accessible.”
“Oftentimes people believe the education for a community college wouldn't be as good, but it’s probably better since the classes are smaller and more personal.”
“So many lives are touched by those who were trained at HACC.”
“I am the first in my generation to obtain a college degree.”
“I’ve been able to continue pursuing my dream career while maintaining a work, life and school balance.”
“HACC has made my life better by providing an amazing education and the opportunity to study in a country with numerous possibilities.”
“I am proud of the choice I have made to follow an unconventional career path, despite societal pressures to attend a liberal arts college and work a typical ‘woman’s job.’”
“The virtual learning options available are invaluable.”
“HACC has an extremely diversified environment, where we have contact with students and workers from all over the country and all over the world.”
“HACC also is helping me achieve my goals and dreams so my kids can be proud of me.”
“As education is no longer perceived as a privilege, but an expectation, I think a lot of young students forget how lucky they are to be able to get a good-quality education in an American college.”
“HACC has given me countless opportunities for personal growth.”
“I'm taking college classes at an affordable price and alongside people just like me.”
“The administration, faculty, and staff are incredibly student-centered! I have received nothing less than 100% support while taking classes.”
“I have always wanted to go to college and HACC was a right fit for me.”
"I already feel twice as motivated to study as I did in high school."
“HACC opened a door, one through which I walked and saw a chance to succeed as an individual in a renowned country like the U.S.”
“[HACC] was convenient and offered online courses that I can do on my own time!”
“HACC has given me a reason to keep going on my most difficult days.”
“The common stigma of getting a bad education through a community college is completely false.”
“As a migrant, HACC made me hopeful for my academic future.”
“HACC has a top-notch public safety training center that provides a means for training and education of our new Police, Fire and EMTs.”
“…I am my biggest champion, and I have proven that to myself time and time again, so I want to give myself that credit.”
“Progress is never linear, but little by little I became a woman and mother that I could be proud of.”
“How often can you get an education from a professor from a major college without paying a huge tuition?”
“HACC allowed me to find a drive to do my best so I can live my life and prosper.”
“…more of the financial burden is taken off of me and my family and I’m glad that HACC is one of my options.”
“I would definitely recommend my family, friends and co-workers to HACC…”
“My personal growth as a student has been something that I found to be a huge achievement.”
“If HACC was no longer an option for me, I think that my education goals would stop.”
“This is the first time I started an education journey and did not give up.”
“HACC has bettered my life by allowing me to further my education and helping me separate myself from others by reaching that next level and getting my degree.”
“So many of the lessons I have learned at HACC will help me in the next decade of my life.”
“In the span of just a few short years, I have increased my earning potential, ensured myself job security, and gotten one step closer to my dream career.”
“My friends are coming back to me saying how they should have looked into HACC more…”
“HACC is an educational institution for all ages and all generations. It has been part of our community since 1964 and first touched me through my aunt, Jean Hintermyer, a 1969 HACC graduate. HACC’s faculty members are part of our community and the real-world work experience brought to the classroom through our adjunct faculty is exceptional.”
“HACC has given me opportunities to learn about things I would never had access to before. The courses encourage independent and critical thinking, and I have been able to learn and grow as a person.”
“I don’t think a lot of people understand that HACC is ‘real’ and the classes are equally as difficult as they are at universities.”
“I appreciate the time all of the instructors put into preparing for the classes, answering questions and sharing their personal experiences for new firefighters to learn from.”
“It’s taken me 10 years to find my true calling and seek to continue my education.”
“HACC was more affordable than the other schools throughout the local area.”
“HACC has helped me take a stand to better my education.”
“Just because we are a community college does NOT mean that the education we gain from here is any less than of a typical 4-year University.”
“Without HACC, I wouldn't be the person that I am today.”
“Just the fact that I'm able to manage being a mom, full-time worker, and attending college says it all.”
“The people at HACC have made a huge impact in my life, not just my peers but my professors too.”
“The professors have been great and the advisers have really helped guide me thus far.”
“Some of the best people I have ever met were some of my fellow classmates from HACC.”
“It (HACC) has given me a good job and a better understanding of what I like as well as a new skill set.”
“[My] professor told us that we should not automatically accept what is told to us. We have our own minds. We can educate ourselves and develop our own informed decisions. That moment changed how I looked at everything in my life."
“The classroom is really fun, especially in the labs.”
“I can’t wait to see where I transfer to next with my knowledge from HACC.”
“Once I decided to put myself first and apply to HACC, doors have been opening and I would not change my decision for the world.”
“College life can be fun, stressful, overwhelming and also interesting.”
“One thing people should know about HACC is that it lets you find yourself.”
“Every professor I have had so far has made me feel like their goal is to ensure my success.”
"HACC is a fast-paced environment. You get out what you put in."
“I took classes that broadened my horizons and introduced me to people whose life experiences were so different from my own.”
“At bigger colleges, you feel more like a number than a student.”
“HACC challenges me and encourages me to go above and beyond.”
“It will be such a thrill to receive my diploma as the first college graduate in my family!”
“It [HACC] has given me the chance to do something that my children can be proud of.”
“The faculty and the classes were the biggest reason for my success.”
“HACC has made my life better by really giving me guidance into how I want to pursue my future.”
“HACC feels like a real college and is super affordable. It is not your typical idea of a community college.”
“HACC gave me the foundation to begin a career in culinary arts.”
“I was worried that I was too old to go back to school. However, I felt immediately welcome.”
“…to actually come here for my first day was really refreshing and I just knew it was the right thing to do.”
“Attending HACC was a life-changing event for me. I gained the communication and leadership skills that are helping me be a more effective public administrator and involved member of my community.”
“I attended a private liberal arts college before coming to HACC and I have enjoyed my HACC experience much more.”
“HACC is enriched with a very welcoming environment and faculty members that anyone can count on.”
“I get all my energy from my son and the people around me.”
“I say everyone considering college should give our school a try.”
“I know everybody wants to go to a university to get the degree, but let me tell you going to HACC or any community college is never a bad option.”
“I wanted to accomplish my set goal so the end result would be my testimony.”
“The knowledge I gained at HACC was invaluable – it opened the door for me to explore and think about what I really want to do in this short life.”
“This is my newest challenge, a first time college student and in a career path completely different from anything else that I have ever done before.”
“HACC’s biggest value is its flexibility to meet students’ individual needs.”
“The tutoring center was most beneficial to me because English is my second language.”
“If HACC was not an option, then I [would] not have this opportunity to make my dream come true.”
“Now I’m working to obtain a degree that I can use to hold a standard 9-to-5 job to gain more time with my kids.”