Meet Sarah: Found Friends for Life at HACC

 Fawn Grove, PA

““Some of the best people I have ever met were some of my fellow classmates from HACC.””

Date published: Aug. 30, 2022

Recent #HACCgraduate Sarah Quinlan said choosing HACC was “one of the best decisions I’ve made!” Sarah earned their associate degree in early-childhood elementary education and plans to become a teacher. They said, “Recently I have wanted to push to become a principal. That will be my ultimate goal!”

Sarah is prepared to enter a field where they can make a difference in the lives of young children, but they also graduated alongside people “who feel like family and life-time friends.” They said, “Some of the best people I have ever met were some of my fellow classmates from HACC.”

Sarah shared that a favorite HACC memory was meeting one of their closest friends in class. They said, “I’ll never forget being in Psychology class together and hearing our professors’ stories as he lectured. We then would study afterwards and she was such a great classmate to have.”

The decision to go to college is almost never made alone, and Sarah’s parents played an important role. It’s a good thing they did! Sarah said, “Without my parents pushing me to go to community college first and then a university I would have not found such a great school.”

Explore your career options at HACC. Please contact an admissions counselor to visit a campus today!

Sarah's webpage