Meet Bangyan Li

There are so many people on campus that are here to help you.

Students migrate to HACC from all over the globe. Bangyan Li, an early-childhood elementary education student from China, chose HACC after a friend and alumnus told her “HACC was an awesome school.” She visited the College and said, “Everyone was so friendly and I had a good feeling that this was a good place for me.” She even got to meet president Ski while touring the campus!

She added, “All the departments on campus are here to support you and help you,” including the tutoring center, writing lab and library. While at HACC, Bangyan has not only gained knowledge in the classroom, but has learned to not take things for granted and be thankful.

She thanks Jennifer Daley and Jill Matolyak, both coordinators for Global Education. “The activities provided through the Center for Global Education have helped me feel like I am not alone. I have been able to make friends through the international awareness club as well,” Bangyan said.

After graduation, Bangyan plans to transfer to a four-year institution to earn her bachelor’s degree.

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