Meet Daniel: Preparing for a Career that Suits Him

 Littlestown, PA

“There are awesome people that work at HACC that want to help you succeed.”

Date published: Jan. 11, 2021

Before enrolling at HACC, Daniel was unexpectedly laid off from a company that was on its last legs. Amazingly, he was able to see this as a blessing in disguise. “Although I lost my apartment and had to move in with my parents, I’ve been given an opportunity to get a degree and progress in a career that suits me. I’m really looking forward to completing my degree and getting my own place again,” he said.

With financial assistance through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), Daniel is on his way to earning a HACC degree in computer information systems, with a support specialist concentration.

When Daniel completed the story bank, he said he had a GPA of 3.4, with a goal of improving it to a 3.5. He said he would like to get a job as a computer administrator, continue his education and seek scholarship opportunities. Those goals are all within reach, and HACC can help Daniel achieve them. Simply put by Daniel, “HACC provides me with the education and skills I need for a career.”

Explore your career options at HACC. Please contact an admissions counselor to visit a campus today!

Daniel Haines