HACC offers over 30 health career programs. Learn about our programs, clinical admission criteria and enrollment information. Download the Health Careers Profile of Admitted Students (pdf) for information about numbers of applicants, GPA and point ranges for students admitted to clinicals (pdf) (updated regularly).
Medical Assisting at the HACC York Campus beginning January 2025 Start your training for a career in Medical Assisting!
Dowload a flyer (pdf)
Link to ADVISING information including how to meet with a HACC advisor during current remote situation.
Download the Health Career Catalog (pdf)
Link to other Health Career Resources (commonly used forms, etc.)
Link to Health Careers Information Sessions
What health career programs and courses does HACC offer?
How do I enroll in the credit health career programs?
To enroll in a credit health career program:
How do I enroll in the Workforce Development/Noncredit health career programs?