Program-to-Program outlines what courses a student should take as part of an associate degree to transfer at the junior level in a specific major.
Core-to-Core allows students to transfer after completing their associate's degree, successfully fulfilling the four-year college's core education requirements.
General transfer and memo of understanding agreements allow students to transfer their entire degree providing all grades are at least a C to the four-year school. Students who do not earn an Associate degree will have their classes evaluated class-by-class.
Dual Admission is a transfer agreement established with a specific school, typically before earning 30 college-level credits. This agreement streamlines the admission process, grants you access to the partner institution's services, and ensures that your associate degree seamlessly transfers into a bachelor's degree program. However, some colleges and universities now permit up to 45 or more college-level credits under a dual admission agreement. For more details and guidance, please contact
The following institutions participate in a dual-admission program with HACC. All dual admission intent forms must be submitted to
Albright College (Reading Campus and Harrisburg Campus)
Advantages of Dual Admission with Drexel University:
Harrisburg University of Science and Technology
Transfer Information Transfer Admission
Dual Admission Letter of Intent (pdf)
Advantages of Dual Admission with Immaculata:
Indiana University of Pennsylvania - IUP
Penn State's Commonwealth Campuses
The following institutions have established agreements or practical articulations with HACC.
Eastern Mennonite University Lancaster, Nursing
Eastern University (St. David's campus and Central PA campus)