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HACC Offers People Empowerment (HOPE) Grants

HACC Offers People Empowerment (HOPE) Grants

The global coronavirus pandemic has impacted every student at HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College. For some, the pandemic forced them to re-think their educational goals or put college on hold indefinitely.

The federal government responded to the crisis by offering funds to certain students who are eligible for federal financial aid. Unfortunately, according to the U.S. government, many HACC students do not qualify for this aid. This includes international students, active military students, veterans, students who take 100% online programs and self-identified DACA students/DREAMers.

But there is still HOPE for these students. Please note that some of these students will each receive grants from the HACC Foundation. The number of students and dollar amount of the grants will be determined soon.

HOPE Grants are made possible through the generosity of our donors and will give students a better chance at continuing their college education.

Funds to be Awarded

The 199 students selected to receive HOPE Grants will receive an initial disbursement of $184 on July 9, 2020. A second disbursement of $116 will be applied to student accounts by July 15, 2020. This adjustment was made so that HOPE Grant recipients receive a comparable amount of funding as students who received financial assistance through the CARES Act.

Each student will be awarded $300. The total amount of funding awarded will be $59,700.

Funds to be Awarded
The HACC Foundation selected 199 students from the list of those eligible to receive a HOPE Grant. Each student will be awarded $184. The total amount of funding awarded will be $36,616.

Student Eligibility
To be eligible for a HOPE Grant from the HACC Foundation, international students, active military students, veterans, students who take 100% online programs and self-identified DACA students/DREAMers must meet one or more of the following criteria as of March 13, 2020:

  • Enrolled at HACC for the spring 2020 semester
  • Pennsylvania residents
  • Possess at least a 2.0 HACC GPA (or no HACC GPA for new students)
  • Title IV-eligible
  • Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of 5576 and below (waived for international students and DACA students)


  • Not every student who qualifies for a HOPE Grant will receive one. 
  • Recipients of HOPE Grants will be selected randomly.
  • Students who receive money through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act cannot receive a HOPE Grant through the HACC Foundation.

Timeline for Awarding
HACC students who are randomly selected for a HOPE Grant will be contacted by June 30, 2020. These students will receive the funds by July 31, 2020.

HACC will utilize our current financial aid refund process via BankMobile. Students are asked to please update their BankMobile information and select their refund preference by June 19, 2020. To receive the grant in the most expeditious manner, HACC recommends that students elect direct deposit via their BankMobile account.

If you have questions about the HOPE Grants, please email foundation@hacc.edu.

Please learn more about federal CARES Act funds.

Thank you.