May 7, 2008
HARRISBURG - Radius, HACC Gallery and Museum Shop is accepting entries from Pennsylvania craftsmen for the next showcase series: The Brooch, which runs July 1-Aug. 30.

The brooch has evolved from a thorn to pin fabric together used by early man to a fashion piece using different metals, ceramics and precious stones.

"The brooch is a classic example of form and function working together," said Jessica Lantz, curator of arts and assistant manager. "A clasp that kept a cloak or tunic together has grown into more ornamental pieces for scarves, jacket lapels and such with no limits to its look and design."

The deadline to submit digital entries is Wednesday, June 18. Artists are limited to four entries, submitted either by e-mail or on a disk and sent in postal mail. There is no fee to enter; all work chosen for the showcase must be available for sale on consignment.

Artists whose work is chosen are responsible for delivery and return of their work.

Direct all e-mail entries to Lantz at the address below. Disks should be addressed to Lantz at 300 N. Third St., Harrisburg, PA 17120.

The showcases are displayed at Radius, on the ground floor of the State Museum of Pennsylvania, Third and North streets in Harrisburg.

Radius is a partnership of HACC, Central Pennsylvania's Community College, and the Pennsylvania Historical Museum Commission.
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