Feb. 28, 2003

A new mix of informative topics are offered at the semi-annual Adult Living and Learning Seminar at the Gettysburg Campus of Harrisburg Area Community College. Adults of all ages are invited to the Gettysburg Campus on Old Harrisburg Road on Tuesday, March 11, from 8am to 2:30pm and attend three sessions of their choice.

The registration fee for the one-day program is $42, which includes continental breakfast, a choice of three classes, and a buffet luncheon. Some of the topics offered are:

Artist Georgia O'Keeffe – the famous American artist's life and work.

Decorative Painting – Designed for non-painters. No experience and no free-hand drawing necessary.

History of the Tudor monarchy of England – Times of intrigue, mystery, execution, and terror.

Ancient Greeks – Review of the outstanding contributions in government, architecture, theater, literature, and philosophy.

Songs and Stories of the Civil War – Through period songs, excerpts from actual letters, and anecdotes, the feelings and passions of that pivotal era of American History emerge.

Beethoven – A critical look at his significant contributions and the relationship to early 19th century music.

Steam Locomotives in America – The important role railroads play in the development of the United States economy, and the impact they had in many other areas.

The Taverns of Southern Pennsylvania – Details the daily life in an 18th and 19th century tavern. Learn the origins of popular phrases such as "upper crust" and "to toast."

The Kittanning Expedition and Hans Hamilton – During the French and Indian War, this expedition took the Lenape Indian town of Kittanning. Follow Captain Hans Hamilton of Adams County, and assess the results.

The Families of the Taneytown/Emmitsburg Roads –Find out what these families discovered when they returned after the Battle of Gettysburg.

Estate Planning – Learn to properly structure an estate that can protect assets from taxation, channel assets to family or charitable organizations, or perpetuate an estate to benefit heirs for a defined period of time.

Computers – For those with little or no experience with computers. Explore simple word processing, and sample a spreadsheet.

How to Use E-mail – Learn how to send and receive e-mail, find an e-mail address, attach photos, and more.

Online Auctions – Open and use an eBay account. Find out the meanings of terms such as reserved prices, Dutch auctions, and preset bids.

Registration deadline is Tuesday, March 4. To register, please call HACC's Gettysburg Campus at (717) 338-1010. For more information, contact the Gettysburg Campus at (717) 337-3855 or send email below.

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