April 24, 2003
The campaign in Iraq and other military assignments has called 53 local students at Harrisburg Area Community College to active service. The students are members of the National Guard, Army Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, and Air National Guard activated in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, Homeland Security, or are serving in peacekeeping missions in Kosovo and Bosnia.

HACC grants an educational leave of absence that suspends the students' education until they are released from active duty.

"We're not precisely sure where these students are being deployed," says Jeff Culp, coordinator for military and veterans affairs at HACC. "We want them to know we are thinking about them, hoping for their safe return, and success in their assignment. When they return our educational leave of absence policy will let them pick up their academics right where they left off."

Many of these students are studying at HACC with military benefits that supplement their tuition. HACC has one of the highest veteran student populations in the state. This spring, 632 veterans are enrolled at HACC, with 576 students using some form of the Montgomery G.I. Bill.

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