Lori White Hockley - click on image for high resolution download (easy login required)
June 7, 2010
GETTYSBURG – Lori White Hockley has been named campus associate dean of academic affairs at the Gettysburg Campus of HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College. Hockley’s appointment was announced by Shannon Harvey, campus executive dean of academic affairs.
            Hockley’s primary responsibilities include coordination and leadership of the campus College in the High School program, scheduling and staffing of credit classes, and working with college department chairs on the observation and evaluation process for adjunct faculty. She previously was coordinator for career services and interim assistant dean of academic affairs.
Before coming to HACC, she was director of admissions, records and registration at Hagerstown Community College, assistant dean of continuing studies at Mount St. Mary’s University, and associate dean of the graduate school at Hood College.
            Hockley has a bachelor’s degree in French and international studies and an MBA degree from Mount St. Mary’s University. She is enrolled in a doctoral program in community college policy and administration at the University of Maryland, University College.
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