June 23, 2009
Harrisburg, PA – HACC President Edna V. Baehre, Ph.D., has been elected to the Presidents Academy Executive Committee of the American Association of Community Colleges, a national association representing 1,200 two-year institutions and more than 11 million students.
Baehre, who will represent the North section, and four other community college presidents were elected to three-year terms by national balloting sent to all CEOs of the nation’s community college.
“I am honored to have been chosen by my peers to serve on this executive committee,” said Baehre, a member of the AACC’s Commission on Academic, Student and Community Development since 2002. She also is a frequent presenter at national AACC conferences on various topics pertaining to community colleges.  
The first gathering of the PAEC will be  July 12-16 in Acme, Mich., at the annual Summer Institute of the Presidents Academy, considered one of the premier professional development experiences for community college CEOs.
The Presidents Academy is an AACC organization dedicated to the professional renewal and recognition of community college CEOs. Headquartered in the National Center for Higher Education in Washington, D.C., AACC is the primary advocacy organization for community colleges at the national level and works closely with directors of state offices to inform and affect state policy.
Baehre currently holds gubernatorial appointments, including the Pennsylvania State Workforce Investment Board and the National Governor’s Association Academy. She is a director of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education and the National Institute for Leadership Development for women in community colleges. Locally, she serves on the boards of directors of the Pinnacle Health System and Harristown Development Corporation.
Baehre, who has been president of HACC since 1997, has been recognized locally, regionally and nationally for her efforts to promote women’s leadership, community service, and economic development. Most recently she was honored  for her accomplishments and significant role within the Central Pennsylvania educational community by the Harrisburg Chapter of Executive Women International.
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