Feb. 13, 2009
HARRISBURG – The average worker changes jobs seven to nine times during their career. It makes sense for students to be academically and occupationally prepared for those changes.
Middle and high school girls in Cumberland, Dauphin and Perry counties can keep their career options open by learning about nontraditional occupations during a free hands-on camp featuring science, technology, engineering and math – or STEM – careers 9:45 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday, March 21.
“Explore Career Opportunities in STEM” takes place at the Midtown site of HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College. Activities include interactive presentations in food science, wind energy and more. HACC staff members will provide a tour of the facilities and discuss college opportunities in the region.
“This kind of event is important becauseit demonstrates to young females that all career options are available to them, and that many jobs in technology, engineering and science are fun,” said Ross Berger, director, Office of Secondary Partnerships for HACC.
The event is free. Participants are asked to bring a “brown bag” lunch. This career exploration event for girls is also sponsored by Penn State Cooperative Extension and the Pennsylvania Departments of Agriculture and Education.
Deadline to register is March 7. Register by calling Jerilynn Millvan at the Department of Education, 772-4851 or e-mail at jmillvan@state.pa.us. For more information, contact Rebecca Blose at the Cumberland County office for Penn State Cooperative Extension 4-H Youth Development at 717-240-6500.
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