Local Ikebana International members to participate
May 27, 2008
HARRISBURG - Those who are captivated by the Japanese art form of ikebana are invited to a presentation by members of the Harrisburg Chapter of Ikebana International from 1-3 p.m. Sunday, June 15, in the auditorium of the State Museum of Pennsylvania, 300 N. Third St.

During the presentation hosted by Radius, HACC Gallery and Museum Shop, members of Ikebana International will share the history and elements of a proper arrangement, then audience members can create their own arrangements in the Radius shop on the ground floor of the museum. There is a $10 fee to participate.

“The art of ikebana combines line and space,” said Jessica Lantz, curator of arts and assistant manager at Radius. “The vessel is the foundation that holds these elements in place.”

She continued, “The vessels that are currently on display in Radius are unique and can complement any arrangement.”

The presentation is in conjunction with the Radius Ikebana Showcase featured until the end of June. Ikebana International members will create a new arrangement each weekend during the showcase.

To register for the presentation, call Radius at 787-5590 or click on the Web site below.”

HACC received a $2,100 grant from the Pennsylvania Humanities Council in partnership with the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts in support of the Radius Showcase Series.

Radius is a partnership of HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College and the State of Pennsylvania/Pennsylvania Historical Museum Commission.

The next Radius Showcase Series, July 1-Aug. 31, features jewelry brooches. Pennsylvania craftsmen are invited to submit their work that can be featured. For more information, call Radius.

HACC Gallery and Museum Shop is open 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and noon-4:30 p.m. Sunday.

Email: jllantz@hacc.edu
Website: http://vc.hacc.edu/index.cfm?fuseaction=main.coursedetail&coursecode=SPECCE024
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