The Friday, Jan. 18 session, "What's on your mind for the new year?" will be held from noon to 1:30 p.m. in Suite 231, Three Penn Center, 349 Wiconisco St.
"In addition to hearing from new entrepreneurs, it is our hope that experienced business owners will be in attendance to give insight to those who are just starting this journey," said Lisa Steffen, business counselor. "HACC counselors also will share information for start ups as concerns and questions arise."
Steffen and her associates hope to close the meeting with "speed networking," which gives everyone in attendance a chance to present a 30-second commercial on their business. This is accomplished through timed rotations of small groups of people.
"This practice should be very enlightening because it is difficult for the excited, energized entrepreneur to limit and encapsulate her business idea into a 30-second window," said Steffen. "We are hoping the session is very well received and that speed networking becomes a regular part of the Women's Talkabouts."
The Women's Talkabouts will continue in 2008 with a Fulton Bank representative facilitating "Do you know what your bank has to offer?" on Friday, Feb. 15. Karen Deklinski, owner of Perfectly Pennsylvania, will lead "What problems can you expect your first year of business?" on Friday, March 14.
Women business owners interested in attending any of the upcoming sessions should call 221-1311 to reserve a seat. Participants are encouraged to bring a brown bag lunch. HACC will provide a dessert and beverage.
Questions can be emailed to Lisa Steffen by clicking on her email address below. Information about this session and upcoming sessions is available at the Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies.