HACC to offer training for high-demand career starting in February at FCCTC
Dec. 11, 2008
CHAMBERSBURG – Jump start your future by training in Franklin County for a hot career in Mechatronics through HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College.
Starting in late February, HACC will offer its Mechatronics program – a high-demand technical field combining mechanical systems and electronic controls – at a highly discounted tuition rate at the Franklin County Career and Technology Center (FCCTC) in Chambersburg.
HACC’s board of trustees recently accepted a $250,000 technical college grant from the Pennsylvania Department of Educationfor the program. The state grant sets tuition for courses in the Mechatronics program at FCCTC at $80 per credit hour -- less than half of the normal tuition rate of $193 per credit hour at HACC's Gettysburg Campus.
            In addition, the classes are being scheduled during evening hours to accommodate the schedules of those who are currently working while they train for a career in mechatronics.
To find out if Mechatronics is a good career choice for you, plan to attend an upcoming information session at the PA CareerLink Franklin County, 600 Norland Ave., Chambersburg. Choose between 9 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 16, or Dec. 23. Meet with admissions representatives, learn about program requirements and find out about financial options for classes that start in February.
An RSVP is suggested, but not required. For more information, for directions to the PA CareerLink Franklin County, or to reserve a seat, call Lori White, career services coordinator, at the Gettysburg Campus, at 337-3855, ext. 3076.
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