March 12, 2008
The latest in technology and the hottest technology career opportunities are in store for students and visitors who attend an IT Fair from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. April 1 at the Lebanon Campus of HACC, Central Pennsylvania's Community College.

As part of the fair, Microsoft Across America, a nationwide road show featuring hands-on, interactive demonstrations of new technology products, will roll onto the parking lot of the campus in downtown Lebanon.

In addition, local businesses will be on hand to provide information about technology products and services; government agencies will demonstrate how they use technology, and regional schools will have information about educational and employee-training opportunities.

"We have a passion for helping businesses make technology decisions that are right for their organization," says HACC graduate Robert Yeagley, co-owner of Eagle Secure Solutions of Lebanon, the firm co-sponsoring the Microsoft Truck.

He's also hoping that Microsoft Across America will open students to new ideas and get them excited about getting further education with technology, especially by taking advantage of courses offered at the Lebanon Campus. After getting an associate degree from HACC, Yeagley earned a bachelor's degree in business management and computer science at Albright College. He worked with Microsoft and HACC to schedule Microsoft Across America as a way to give back to his community.

The displays demonstrate how specific products from Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, Cisco and others work together to great a unified solution to fit business and consumer needs.

"We can show small business owners and consumers - who may not be taking advantage of current technology - that vendors have made great strides in making technology more affordable," Yeagley says.

Visitors can "try out" different technologies with a Microsoft Trainer. In addition, Microsoft Certified Professionals from Eagle Secure Solutions will be on hand to answer questions, he says. "It's like test-driving new software solutions before you buy."

Microsoft Across America also showcases an equal amount of fun stuff like the Microsoft Zune, an mp3 player similar to the iPod, and the new XBOX and XBOX 360 for gaming enthusiasts.

"We're hoping that the Microsoft Across America event will open visitor's eyes to the breadth and scope of technology training and career possibilities available at HACC Lebanon -for students and businesses alike," said Kay Litman, Student Services Specialist at the Lebanon Campus.

Tours of the Microsoft Across America truck are scheduled every 15-20 minutes throughout the event. Group size is limited to eight participants at a time, so pre-registration for tours is strongly encouraged. Visitors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult. Contact Litman at 270-6308 send an e-mail at the address below. You can go to the Lebanon Campus page by clicking on the Website below.

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