Aug. 27, 2007
History buffs interested in visiting the site of the largest mass surrender of U.S. military personnel until Bataan should consider joining HACC for "Harper's Ferry: the Bataan of the Civil War."

Central Pennsylvania's Community College will lead this one-day bus trip to the Shenandoah Valley on Sunday, Sept. 23. The bus will leave the Gettysburg Campus, located at 731 Old Harrisburg Road, promptly at 7 a.m. and return by approximately 7 p.m. the same day. The cost of the tour is $99.

By 1806, Harper's Ferry was a well-settled community. Travelers on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad crossed the Potomac River there, and the town was home to a quiet and industrious population. In October 1859, the town became famous when John Brown, a radical abolitionist, seized the Federal arsenal, committing what many consider the first act of the American Civil War.

More notoriety came in September 1862 when Harper's Ferry became the site of the largest mass surrender of U.S. military personnel until Bataan.

To register for this trip, call 338-1010 or click on the Website below.

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