Sept. 20, 2006
That time of the year when our thoughts turn to ghosts and all things spooky is almost upon us, and the Gettysburg Campus of HACC, Central Pennsylvania's Community College, will offer a Halloween session on ghosts.

The ever-popular Judith Pellegrino will offer Tea and Ghosts at the historic Dobbin House on Tuesday, Oct. 31, 2-4 p.m. Cost of $35 includes tea and dessert and a presentation that explores the paranormal, including an overview of the types of ghosts and the characteristics of an authentic haunting.

Pellegrino also will discuss modern tools used for investigating the ghostly realms and a demonstration of electronic voice phenomenon recorded at her former Gettysburg home.

Registration and information is available by accessing HACC's autumn issue of "Opportunities to Enrich your Personal & Professional Life," a schedule of noncredit classes at the Website below. Information and a copy of the schedule also may be obtained by calling the Gettysburg Campus of HACC at 717-338-1010.
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