Bernik will talk about nature photography in the digital age and describe some of his favorite places in the Allegheny National Forest.
"You can go out West, set up your camera and get a nice photo of just about any landscape," said Bernik. "But in a forest like this, your eye becomes centered on the details and people, rather than a big landscape. You'd be surprised at what you would find right here in Pennsylvania."
Gensheimer, author of Pennsylvania Wilds , introduces readers to wildcatters and lumber barons, conservationists and archaeologists in an illustrated history that accompanies the lush photographs.
"People in the Harrisburg region may not be aware that there is a national forest right here in Pennsylvania that's only a days drive away," said Gensheimer. "The book takes readers for an arm-chair tour of these wonderful outdoor spaces and provides hours of enjoyment for those who appreciate Pennsylvanias rich history. But the best way to experience the forest? You have come to visit in person."
Both Bernik and Gensheimer will discuss Pennsylvania Wilds at Radius on Wednesday, May 24 at 3 p.m. at the State Museums Market Square and Home Exhibit. Copies of the book will be available. Following the presentation is a book-signing at Radius, HACC Gallery and Museum Shop.
Radius, HACC Gallery and Museum Shop is a partnership of HACC and the State of Pennsylvania/Pennsylvania Historical Museum Commission. The State Museum of Pennsylvania reopened the museum shop with a new look and products that feature the artistic talents of HACC students. While the venture brings entrepreneurial opportunities for HACC students, the Pennsylvania Historical Museum Commission, The State Museum's parent organization, maintains its focus on Pennsylvania artisans and Commonwealth-related merchandise. Radius also carries unique souvenirs of Pennsylvania and educational toys for children.
For more information about the Pennsylvania Wilds book signing and presentation, you can send an email to Morgan Muth, museum shop manager, at the email address below.