July 19, 2006
A more relaxed summer pace can be a perfect time for continuing education courses at HACC to pursue a personal interest, enhance your job skills or plan for the future.

HACC, Central Pennsylvania's Community College, can help with the many noncredit courses offered through its multi-campus locations. Because the courses require only a minimal time commitment and are low in cost, they are a great way to make the most of your summer.

Plan now to enroll in the following courses that begin in August:

Gettysburg Campus:

  • Licensed Battlefield Guide Perspectives - learn everything there is to know about the Battle of Gettysburg in these classes, which begin in late August and prepare you for the December 2 exam to become an official battlefield guide. To receive further information about dates, times and topics, call 717-338-1010 or email crgerkin@hacc.edu.
  • Spanish 1 - this eight-session, beginner course is led by Jane Blevins on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6 to 8 p.m., August 7-30. The cost is $120.
  • Geology of South Mountain - Mark your calendar for Saturday, August 19, to tour some of the scenic geologic sites between Route 30 and Pine Grove Furnace. Instructor Jeri Jones will highlight rock types and geologic history. Tour includes one fossil site where participants can collect specimens. Tour runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and costs $59.

Lancaster Campus:

  • National Portrait Gallery, Washington, DC - For anyone fascinated by famous Americans and their stories, plan to participate in this tour, which departs from HACC's Lancaster Campus at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, August 5. Having just undergone a six-year renovation, the gallery is a must-see destination. The cost is $60.

Lebanon Campus:

  • Fencing I and Practical Fencing - Fencing is an anaerobic/aerobic sport for both genders of all ages. The development and refinement of speed, reaction, and eye/hand coordination are all part of the experience. Fencing I teaches the movements of fencing, Tue, Aug 22-Sep 26 from 6-7:30 pm, with concurrent sessions running until December. The cost is $125. In Practical Fencing, students gather to practice and use the skills they've learned. The cost is $50, and these sessions run Tue 7:30-9:30pm for 12 weeks, Aug 22 through Nov 7. Sessions are coordinated the same evening so participants can take both courses back to back or separately.

Harrisburg Campus:

  • Beginner's Guide to Wine - This class is for the wine novice interested in learning the history of imported and domestic wines, the winemaking process and the primary grape varieties. Wine from local wineries will be sampled every class. Participants must be 21 years old. The four-session course runs August 3 - 24 from 6 to 9 p.m. The cost is $110.
  • Adoption 101 - For a $20 fee, learn about the three major types of adoption in Pennsylvania: private/domestic, special needs, and international. The procedures for all three types will be discussed, compared and contrasted for fees, length of process, the children, and the risks. Learn which type of adoptions is best for you. The class will run from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, August 26.
  • What is the Music in You? - Wake up from autopilot and explore more about your authentic self in this one-session course led by Bonnie Collins. What are your unshakeable beliefs? What do you really love to do? Find out Monday, August 7, from 6 - 7:30 p.m. The cost is $15.
  • Don't Throw in the Towel Just Yet? - How to recognize, prevent and revitalize when you are at risk of "Burnout." This workshop is for anyone working in a stress producing job or as a personal caregiver. Instructor Bonnie Collins will lead a class of 15 participants on Wednesday, August 23 from 6 - 7:30 p.m. The cost is $15.

To access an online version of HACC's noncredit schedule, click on the Website below. To register for these or other noncredit courses, call 717-338-1010 or send an email to Carol Gerkin, director of continuing education, at the email address below.

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