Oct. 10, 2006
The Test Center at HACC-Gettysburg Campus now offers College Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams and is an authorized testing center for Pearson-Vue certification exams.

"We are proud to offer services that aid our students and local community members," said Leslie Boon, coordinator of the HACC-Gettysburg Office for Academic Success.

The Internet-based Pearson-Vue testing system enables HACC to administer technology exams for many clients, including Cisco Systems, CompTIA, IBM, Linux, Microsoft, Novell, Avaya Inc, American College, and others. For these exams, test takers may register on-line or telephonically with Pearson-Vue, and tests are delivered via a secure internet server to HACC. The proximity of HACC makes it conducive for travel, and quite often employers will help cover registration costs.

Recently, the Test Center began to offer CLEP exams designed to enable students to shorten their path to a college degree. CLEP exams allow students to gain college credit for knowledge obtained through previous educational experiences, military service, or work experience. Students can save tuition costs by placing out of a graduation requirement or introductory course.

CLEP offers tests in a broad range of subjects, and scores are normally known immediately upon completion of the exam. Many colleges and universities accept CLEP credit, and students at other institutions may take an exam at HACC and have the scores forwarded to their college or university. Currently, the Test Center offers CLEP testing on the third Tuesday of each month. HACC students taking these exams can work with their advisors to review scores and determine eligibility and course correlation. CLEP tests are fee-based.

The Test Center also offers placement exams for prospective HACC students, and distance education exams for students taking courses via the web. Placement exams are required for prospective students whose SAT scores indicate they may need developmental work prior to beginning college level course work, or for students who have chosen to not take the SATs at all. Placement scores are important to ensure students begin their college career at a level consistent with their knowledge, skills and abilities. For current HACC students, the Test Center also provides an opportunity to make up exams missed because of health, employment or other valid reasons.

With the introduction and expansion of distance learning or virtual campus concept, a need exists for centers that offer proctored exams. The HACC Test Center maintains morning and evening hours to accommodate students taking courses via the internet. Services are available not only to HACC students. HACC Gettysburg Campus is a listed with the National College Testing Association's Consortium of College Testing Centers, which allows HACC Test Center technicians to proctor exams for other distance education institutions. All that is required is coordination between the two institutions, and exams may be in either paper or electronic format. A small fee may apply.

For more information, contact the HACC-Gettysburg Campus Test Center at 337-3855, extension 3035, Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., or send an email to the address below.

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