The college is seeking teachers to help launch the Kids' College program this summer.
The first Information Night will be held Monday, Feb. 6, 6:30-8:00 p.m., in Blocker Hall room 113 on the Harrisburg Campus of HACC, across from the Farm Show Complex in Harrisburg.
The second is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 7, 6-7:30 p.m., in the multi-purpose room of the East Building on the Lancaster Campus of HACC at 1641 Old Philadelphia Pike.
HACC is in need of area teachers to help teach the courses for the summer programs at both campuses. The courses are arranged for grades 1-3 and 4-6. At the Lancaster Campus, courses will meet Mondays through Thursdays each week, June 19-23 and June 26-30. At the Harrisurg Campus, sessions are Monday through Thursday, July 10-21.
Classes during the camp will run for a full day; each class will be 1 hour and 30 minutes in length. They will include grade-appropriate content and activities.
HACC will present courses in art, crafts, foreign language, math, music, reading, science, and more. A stipend of $25 per hour is offered for instructors.
More information is available by emailing Lori Smith-Mitchell, HACC-Lancaster Community Education Center, at contact email address below, or call 717-358-2859. In Harrisburg, interested individuals can call 717-780-2587.