May 13, 2005
HACC, Central Pennsylvania's Community College, today recognized the accomplishments of 30 students who celebrated their graduation from the Nursing Program at its Lancaster Campus.

The traditional pinning of the 2005 graduates took place during an evening ceremony held at Manheim Township Middle School.

Six students were recognized with awards. Lyudmila Scearce received the Joyce D. Ward Nurse Midwife Award for demonstrating outstanding achievement in the care of women and children. Patricia L. Campbell earned the Lancaster Regional Medical Center Award for Leadership for demonstrating superior leadership qualities in the clinical practice setting. Rosalyn M. Grieder took home the Nursing Faculty Award for Academic Achievement for achieving the highest overall cumulative grade in the nursing theory classes. Eva M. Mureithi received the Lancaster Regional Medical Center Award for Compassionate Nursing Care by providing outstanding compassionate care to patients and families. Patricia J. Pankey earned the Nursing Faculty Award for Exemplary Nursing Practice for consistently exhibiting exemplary behavior both in the classroom and clinical areas throughout the nursing program.

Graduating were:


Reading- Lyudmila Scearce.


Hummelstown- Debra L. Horst.


Denver- Kou Kha-Moua.

East Petersburg- Ann L. Longenecker.

Elizabethtown- Tammy L. DeArmitt, Kristin L. Gantz, Rosalyn M. Grieder, Julie A. Stauffer.

Ephrata- Margeau C. Malmer, David J. Spencer.

Gap- Shana M. Benner.

Lancaster- Aprille R. Baxter, Patricia L. Campbell, Georgina A. Danowski, Yuisa T. Muniz, Patricia J. Pankey, Amanda G. Thorne, Anthony C. Torres.

Manheim- Dawn P. Hornberger, Russell K. Krepp, Lindsay M. Swanger.

Mountville- Eva M. Mureithi.

New Holland- Ellen F. Wagler.

Stevens- Erika M. Myers.


Lebanon- Kerry M. Martin.

Palmyra- Jeremy B. Shuey.


Delta- Shannon L. Dorer.

Etters- Ann L. Hale.

York- Lisa M. Hilbert, Joni R. Wrightstone.

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