All noncredit workshops, programs, and business start-up or re-start counseling through the Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies are free for returning veterans. HACC workshops specifically for veterans will start in January. One session is at the Carlisle Murata Business Center on Tuesday January 10 from 9am to 11am. Another is scheduled at HACC Penn Center on Wednesday, February 15 at 9am to 11am. Residents in Lebanon can contact the Institute at (717) 221-1311 for information regarding veteran workshops at HACC's Lebanon Campus.
Additionally, there are more than 40 other workshops veterans can choose from, free of charge, that can help them move their own business forward.
"Our mission is to assist military personnel whose businesses need to be started or restarted as a result of time served in an active duty military capacity," said Mary Anne van Arsdale, director of HACC's Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies, Workforce and Economic Development division.
"Our veterans program promotes a bridge from an individual's military homecoming to their future meaningful career. The program is a collaborative effort between HACC's veterans affairs office and Veterans Resource Central, a relatively young organization that wants to be a one-stop shop for veterans in our region. We believe that we must work as a group to ensure that these individuals become productive citizens," said van Arsdale.
Veterans Resource Central has offices at HACC's Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies at Three Penn Center, 349 Wiconisco Street, Harrisburg. Veterans can call and get free assistance, whether that's job search assistance, business start-up or re-start counseling, or assistance for their family.
"We have found that veterans make fine entrepreneurs because of their military training. They have absolute skills and make excellent business people," said van Arsdale. "We will attempt to refer all veterans to a designated business counselor. This counselor will provide the same services offered by other start-up counselors at our center; however, they also will be educated regarding specific sources of funding and business assistance available to veterans."
The HACC Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies includes both credit and noncredit programs intended to educate people of all ages who are interested in starting and growing a business. HACC allows an individual to choose the number of courses and the program that best fits their educational needs: a certificate, a diploma or an associate's degree in Entrepreneurial Leadership.
The Business Start-up Center assists businesses from concept to three years of age. The Center assists with the writing of business plans and marketing plans and provides accounting and funding advice. It provides on-on-one business counseling, as well as several workshops and seminars each semester. Women's Marketplace offers free marketing advice for women with businesses from concept to three years old. Veterans may obtain information about these programs and services by calling HACC's Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies at (717) 221-1311.