Oct. 28, 2005
Conducting Effective Meetings, Finance and Accounting Concepts, Managing Time, Managing Projects, and Building High Performance Teams are among the topics covered in American Management Association (AMA) Fast Track Certification courses offered on the Gettysburg Campus of HACC, Central Pennsylvania's Community College.

AMA Fast Track Certification Programs include a Management Track featuring seven programs and an elective and an Administrative Assistant Track featuring six programs including an elective. There is still time to enroll in five of the sessions that are upcoming at HACC's Gettysburg Campus that will contribute toward the seven-course certification.

Students who do not want to work on a certificate may register for individual programs with the understanding that program completion now requires some out-of-class assignments and submission of the two-four page paper that demonstrates understanding of the core concepts.

Conducting Effective Meetings will be offered on two Tuesdays, Nov. 15 and 22, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Cost is $299 and course applies to the Management or Administrative Assistant Certificate.

Ineffective meetings are frequently defined as one of the largest time wasters in organizations, and this course teaches participants how to hold well-planned and organized meetings for productivity rather than waste.

The course will define the characteristics of ineffective meetings and the critical components of an effective meeting, discuss difficult situations encountered by meeting leaders and how to handle them, identify necessary skills and knowledge needed to facilitate effective meetings, and develop their individual skill in conducting productive meetings to enhance organizational performance.

Finance and Accounting Concepts will be offered on two Thursdays, Nov. 17 and Dec. 1, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Cost is $299 and course applies to the Management or Administrative Assistant Certificate.

At the core of any organization's success is a successful relationship with money. An understanding of how money flows through an organization in the form of assets, liabilities and equity and how to manage these processes is at the core of management and administration.

In this program, participants will learn key accounting and finance terminology; review the key components of an organization's fiscal system; discuss the role of cash flow, asset management, liabilities management to operations of the organization, and capital budgeting; review the structure of the balance sheet and the income statement; and define the manager's and administrator's roles in relation to the financial aspects of the company.

Managing Time will be offered on two Wednesdays, Dec. 7 and 14, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Cost is $299 and course applies to the Management or Administrative Assistant Certificate.

The resource of time cannot be inventoried or purchased, yet it is one of our most valuable commodities. And we each have the same amount from which to build performance - 168 hours a week.

In this program participants will discuss what their MBTi reveals about their time management style preferences, compare and contrast the top time wasters and develop strategies for handling their time wasters, review how changing how we talk to ourselves can address time management issues, discover how to change our relationship with time using Steven Covey's models for proactivity and time management, review the steps to create SMART Goals and time management goals, and take corrective action for habits like procrastination.

Managing Projects will be offered on two Wednesdays, Jan. 4 and 11, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Cost is $299 and course applies to the Management Certificate.

More and more managers must manage projects as well as handling their ongoing responsibilities. Project management is emerging as a key organization discipline of the 21st century.

In this program participants will compare and contrast project management and operations management, review the components of project management using a widely recognized model, and discover the phases of a project and what needs to happen in each phase.

They also will prepare a project GANTT chart and review the key project tracking methodologies, review how to use the team building techniques to run effective projects, and practice project planning processes and project status reporting techniques.

Building High Performance Teams will be offered on two Wednesdays, Jan. 18 and 25, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Cost is $299 and course applies to the Management or Administrative Assistant Certificate.

Many organizations are embracing the team concept as a system for motivating continuous improvement. The team structure can be a vital part of improving organizational development. However, the team approach is not a magic bullet. The team concept must be implemented effectively if it is to achieve the desired outcomes.

In this program participants will define the different types of teams, identify underlying principles necessary for team success, identify pitfalls to avoid in implementing the team approach, discuss the four stages of team development and characteristics of each stage, and identify the role of the leader in creating a focused and effective work team.

Registration and information is available by accessing HACC's Community Education Center's Autumn 2005 Schedule of Noncredit Classes at www.hacc.edu/noncredit. Information also may be obtained by calling the Gettysburg Campus of HACC at 717-338-1010.

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