March 18, 2004
Most of us are curious about some of our family's belongings, especially those passed down from previous generations. Are they trash or treasure? Now the Lancaster Campus of Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC) has a class to help determine just that.

What's It Worth? Valuing Art and Antiques will be offered on Monday, March 15, 6-9 p.m. Students are asked to bring two objects to class for an individual appraisal.

Art historian, professor and certified appraiser Dr. Lori Verderame will discuss value indicators and share her expertise on appraisals, art collecting and conservation of aging treasures. She currently appears on KYW-TV's segment, "Trash or Treasure?"

Many other Community Education classes are offered at the Lancaster Campus of Harrisburg Area Community College located at 1641 Old Philadelphia Pike. Information may be obtained by accessing the Web site below or calling (717) 358-2901.

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