July 15, 2004
Rich man, poor, beggar man, thief. Who's hiding in your family's past? For those curious about their ancestry, the Lancaster Campus of Harrisburg Area Community College will offer a non-credit class in genealogy this summer.

Genealogy - Research Your Roots will be offered on Thursdays, July 22 through Aug. 12, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

This class will teach students that they don't have to be professional researchers to unravel the myths and find the skeletons in their family closet. Time and attention to detail will help them uncover their family's rose in history.

Students will learn the research basics and how they can each begin the discovery of their family's unique story.

This is just one of the many Community Education classes offered this summer at the Lancaster Campus of Harrisburg Area Community College located at 1641 Old Philadelphia Pike. Information may be obtained by accessing the Website below or calling (717) 358-2901.

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