You've Got a Book in You, Part 1, will be offered on four Wednesdays, March 10-31, from 7-9 p.m. This course covers character and plot development, research, outlining, dialogue, writing format, and letting the book "grow itself."
This "no sugar coating" also will discuss working through writer's block, finding time to write, and the equipment that is needed.
You've Got a Book in You, Part 2, is a new course that takes students a step further toward writing their manuscripts - the actual writing process. It will be offered on four Wednesdays, April 7-28, from 7-9 p.m.
Classes will concentrate on writing fiction outlines, writing believable fiction dialogue, building fiction characters and developing the skills that will win an editor's attention. Students should be prepared to share what they are writing in class discussions.
Many other Community Education classes are offered at the Lancaster Campus of Harrisburg Area Community College located at 1641 Old Philadelphia Pike. Information may be obtained by calling (717) 358-2901 or by accessing HACC's Website below.