Oct. 18, 2004
More than 100 colleges will be visiting HACC, Central Pennsylvania's Community College, in November, including women's colleges, Christian colleges, and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU).

While the purpose of the college visits is to speak to HACC students about transfer opportunities, all events are at HACC's Harrisburg Campus and open to the public free of charge. The special college recruiting days are women's colleges on Nov. 3, Christian colleges on Nov. 9 and HBCU on Nov. 16.

High school students or students from other colleges who may consider attending or transferring to any of these colleges are welcome to attend to gather information.

"Transfer decision-making begins the day you walk on campus," says Mary Fourlas, HACC associate professor, counseling. "I encourage all students, even those just starting or even considering college, to take advantage of the opportunity to talk with representatives from these four-year colleges. The culture of the colleges students are considering is extremely important, and these conversations will lead to the kind of information necessary to make a good decision."

Women's colleges, visiting Wednesday, Nov. 3, foster individuality and offer a community that nurtures the strengths of women. Visitation is open in Cooper Student Center, 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Two transfer workshops will be offered in Cooper 101, 10-11:30 a.m. and 1-2:30 p.m. College representatives will make brief presentations at each workshop.

Women's colleges attending include Bryn Mawr College, Cedar Crest College, Rosemont College, Wilson College, Chatham College and Moore College of Art and Design, all in Pennsylvania; College of Notre Dame of Maryland; Mary Baldwin College, Sweet Briar College, and Randolph-Macon Woman's College, VA; and Marymount College of Fordham University and Wells College, NY.

Christian colleges, visiting Nov. 9, provide a supportive community where Christian perspectives are valued. College representatives will be in Cooper Student Center, 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Transfer workshops will be held in Cooper 204, 10-11:30 a.m. and 1-2:30 p.m. College representatives will make brief presentations at each workshop.

Christian colleges attending include Baptist Bible College, Eastern University, Grove City College, Lancaster Bible College, Messiah College, and Philadelphia Biblical University, all in Pennsylvania; Eastern Mennonite University, PA/VA; Liberty College, VA; Washington Bible College, MD; Houghton College and Nyack College, NY; and Malone College, Ohio.

Accredited Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), visiting Nov. 16, instill pride in Black accomplishment and encourage self-determination.

HBCU representatives will be in Cooper Student Center, Nov. 16, 1-2:30 p.m. and 5:30-7 p.m. There will be a panel discussion, 2:30-3:30 p.m., in Cooper 204.

Participating historically Black colleges and universities include Cheyney University and Lincoln University, PA; Coppin State College, MD; Delaware State University; Tennessee State University and Fisk University, TN; Kentucky State University; Lane College, KS; and Virginia State University.

A representative from the United Negro College Fund's regional office will be representing UNCF member colleges and universities.

HACC, with co-sponsorship from Hershey Foods Corporation, will host an afternoon HBCU reception.

On Transfer Days, college and university representatives will be on campus to discuss their transfer policies, admission requirements and financial aid options, as well as provide general information. Remaining opportunities this fall include Oct. 27 and Nov. 10, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., in Cooper Student Center Cafeteria on the Harrisburg Campus.

Those visiting Oct. 27 include Capitol College, Central Pennsylvania College, Duquesne University Capital Region, Lebanon Valley College, Mansfield University, Neumann College, Penn State Harrisburg, and University of Phoenix Online.

Those visiting Nov. 10 include Johnson & Wales University and Penn State Harrisburg.

Degree completion programs and online learning give the busy adult learner the convenience of completing their degree in a variety of ways. "We often neglect to consider unfamiliar settings, but visiting these colleges on each of their theme days would be a great way to introduce yourself to these possibilities," Fourlas advises students.

More about women's colleges

There are nearly 70 women's colleges in the U.S. and Canada. While their numbers may not be as they once were, women's colleges have experienced a new popularity with increasing enrollments over the last several years.

Women's colleges focus on learning, leadership skills and achieving goals, and they provide a network that serves their graduates for most of their professional and personal lives. They prepare women for the many roles they will assume in life by providing more female role models, and encouraging a focus on traditionally male-dominated fields of study, such as mathematics, computer science and physical science.

When compared to women who attend coeducational institutions, research studies have shown that women who attend a single-sex college tend to participate more in class, have greater opportunity to hold positions of leadership on campus, pursue degrees in traditionally male-dominated fields, complete advanced degrees, express greater satisfaction with their overall college experience, develop a stronger sense of self-esteem, and experience greater career success after college.

Twenty percent of women members of Congress attended women's colleges. Nearly three-quarters of the women's college graduates are in the work force. Eighty-one percent of women's college graduates have continued their education beyond college. Women's colleges attract a diverse student body.

Notable alumni of women's colleges include Janet Reno, Madeleine Albright, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, Martha Stewart, Joan Rivers, Katharine Hepburn, Julia Child, Diane Sawyer, Nancy Reagan, and Gloria Steinem.

More about Christian colleges

Christian colleges provide an academically challenging education to students from diverse traditions and economic backgrounds that is Christ-centered. They believe true education is one that includes the development of the person intellectually, physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually.

Their purpose is to educate Christian men and women to live according to a biblical world/life view; to promote Christian knowledge, moral maturity, and spiritual development in its students; and to prepare them to integrate their faith into their chosen career field, ministry, or service.

The Bible is the foundation for the development of a biblical worldview that enhances all areas of life and provides the basis for service. Their campus climates are conducive to personal spiritual growth, positive social development and physical well being.

Their faculty is committed to strengthening students' knowledge of God's Word. They seek to prepare students for success in all areas of their lives, to develop character and leadership qualities, and to instill Christian values.

More about HBCU

HBCU provides access and educational opportunity to all students but more especially to African-Americans. Many HBCU have affiliations with churches or religious organizations. HBCUs provide African-American students with a rich tradition of success, role models and opportunity. Students choose to attend an HBCU for the opportunity to learn more about African-American history, smaller class sizes, and for strong academic and social support. Students feel they have greater opportunity to attain academic excellence, to reach their full potential, and to become leaders for tomorrow.

There are 120 HBCU, located mostly in the southern United States, comprised of two-year and four-year public and private institutions. Most are between 50-100 years old, with Cheyney University, PA, the oldest dating back to 1837.

HBCU are symbols of excellence in education for African-Americans and are the main source of education for professionally trained African-Americans. Over 60 percent of the African-Americans who go on to graduate and professional schools in this country are graduates of HBCU.

While representing only 3 percent of all U.S. colleges, HBCU award 30 percent of all bachelor's degrees, 15 percent of all master's degrees, and 42 percent of all doctorate degrees earned each year by African-Americans.

HACC has a longstanding relationship (over 20 years) with HBCU in general and United Negro College Fund (UNCF) institutions in particular. While all UNCF schools are HBCU, all HBCU are not members of UNCF. UNCF is an alliance of 42 colleges who do joint fund raising for scholarships. "A Mind Is A Terrible Thing To Waste" is a well-known UNCF slogan. Donations are made to UNCF and they in turn make awards to students at participating schools.

"The HBCU College Fair at HACC on November 16 is significant in that it will provide an excellent opportunity for students from Central PA to learn more about the excellent education, tradition and benefits of attending a historically black college or university," said Alterman "Chip" Jackson, HACC vice president of Student Affairs and Enrollment Management.

HACC has extended invitations to 65 African American churches and about 10 other high schools, besides its 22 sponsoring school districts, to attend this event.

HACC has dual admissions and transfer agreements with five UNCF schools including Fisk University, Nashville, TN; Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL; Morris Brown College, Atlanta, GA; Paul Quinn College, Dallas, TX; and Wilberforce University, Wilberforce, Ohio.

HACC also has agreements with Lincoln University, Oxford, PA, and Cheyney University, Cheyney, PA.

Information is available at HACC's website www.hacc.edu, by selecting Student Services, then Transfer Services, then Upcoming Events, then Specialized College Fairs. Questions may be addressed to atc@hacc.edu, or contact the advising and transfer center at (717)789-2655.

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