Nov. 10, 2004
The Gettysburg Campus of HACC has just the class to get everyone in the holiday spirit.

Songs and Stories of Christmas will be held Tuesday, Dec. 7, 7-9 p.m. at the New Oxford High School. This is a lively, fun Christmas show featuring Christmas songs, both new and old, for kids and grownups alike.

The popular Matthew Dodd will lead this sing-along, laugh-along, heartwarming holiday class, singing the songs we all know and love, sometimes with funny alternate verses, many of which he makes up as he goes along.

He also tells the stories behind such songs as Silent Night and Good King Wenceslas. Participants will hear the stories of holiday customs around the world.

Registration and information for this and many other community education, professional development, and workforce training classes is available in HACC's Fall 2004 Noncredit Course Schedule at the website below or by calling (717) 338-1010.

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