June 21, 2004
The Gettysburg Area Personnel Association (GAPA) has awarded a scholarship for $500 to Andrew Ziegler, a student in the Adams County Tech Prep Culinary Arts program. Ziegler is a graduate of Littlestown Area High School and plans to continue his education this fall at the Gettysburg Campus of Harrisburg Area Community College (HACC).

GAPA is a community human resources professional association which includes representatives from twenty-five Adams County companies. Recognizing that future economic development in Adams County depends on a steady supply of educated, skilled entry-level workers in a variety of career fields, GAPA has established its Education Grant Program to support Adams County students in their pursuit of post-secondary education and training, and to encourage them to stay in the Adams County area.

The Adams County Tech Prep Consortium provides technical education and career preparation opportunities for Adams County high school students. The programs are available during a student's junior and senior years, and consist of a career specific curriculum in addition to the required high school courses. HACC has partnered with the Tech Prep Consortium in providing these career opportunities through sharing of resources and articulation agreements. Articulation agreements provide opportunities for students who continue their education at HACC to receive college credits for the Tech Prep courses they completed while in high school.

To be considered for the GAPA awards, students needed to be nominated by their Tech Prep instructors. They also submitted essays to complete the sentence, "I want to live and work in Adams County because . . ." along with their resumes, high school transcripts and letters of enrollment from Gettysburg Campus HACC.

Committee chair for the GAPA Education Grant Program is Dawn Bodenberg, Adams Electric. Committee members are Bob Singer, Winter Gardens, and Pauline Engelstatter, Mount St. Mary's University. Officers in the GAPA organization include President Don Wilkinson, Brethren Home Community; Vice-President Pauline Engelstatter; Secretary Bob Singer; and Treasurer Kim McKinney, Knouse Foods.

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