"This is going to be well-used; what a surprise," said Pam Desch, a preschool aide at Londonderry. "It fits perfectly, bright colors and cheerful-we'll be spending many hours here."
"This is a wonderful addition for the kids," kindergarten teacher Suzanne Stiles added. "We're fortunate to have such community involvement like this."
Color and design instructor, Lori Morack, assigned the project as a way to fulfill a need for the preschoolers while giving practical experience for her class. Students discussed the parameters: environmentally-friendly materials and paint, a bench that sits low to the ground and capable of taking a lot of climbing and jumping. They divided into teams to design the nine-foot bench, painting, choosing fabric for pillows and outdoor mats, sewing and stuffing.
"Maybe you've seen Design on Dime, well, this is design on a nickel," said Morack. "We are thankful and fortunate that a lot of our materials were donated. The students did their homework and found materials that was durable, washable and bright."
The nine-foot bench fit just below the picture window with the bright, primary-colored pillows neatly arranged, for the two seconds before preschoolers and kindergartners were on the bench, ready for a story.