May 7, 2004
The Environmental Club at Gettysburg Campus HACC has joined PennDOT's "Adopt-a-Highway" program. Eleven club members, advisors and others spent a Saturday collecting trash from a two-mile stretch of Route 34, just outside of Gettysburg. PennDOT supplied garbage bags, gloves, vests and litter-crew warning flags, along with a safety video that participants were required to watch before going out on the highway.

Environmental Club advisor Sharon Sontheimer noted that "All of us are pleased to accomplish two clean-up activities - this Adopt-a-Highway project, and a cleanup at HACC's Gettysburg Campus - that was all part of the 16th annual Potomac Watershed Cleanup.

"It is the obligation of any organization that 'adopts-a-highway' to clean their stretch of road four times a year," said Sontheimer, "and we hope to have the same level of great paticipation in the future."

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