Feb. 11, 2004
Currently serving as chief executive officer of a more than 18,000-student (9,400 FTE), multi-campus college with a $122 million operating budget. Guiding and directing the development and implementation of the College's Master Plan, and assuring appropriate funding and support for the College's operations and new programs. Report to an eighteen-member elected board of trustees who sets the College's policies and priorities. Officer of the College's Foundation with substantial endowments and investments, which benefit the students and the College community (1997 to current).

Professional Affiliations and Appointments(Selected)

Pinnacle Health System Board of Directors, Member through 2008.

Team Pennsylvania Workforce Investment Board, Gubernatorial appointment, since 2000.

National Governor's Association Academy, Gubernatorial appointment, since 2003.

Mid-Atlantic Think Tank for Community Colleges, new member since January 2004.

Tuition Account Program (TAP) Advisory Board, Gubernatorial appointment, since 2002.

South Central Workforce Investment Board: Member since 1999. Also member of the WIB's Administrative Committee.

Harrisburg Regional Chamber: Director since 1999.

Capital Region United Way: Director, since 2000.

American Association of Community Colleges (AACC): Commission on Economic and Workforce Development, member since 2002.

Pennsylvania Department of Education, Working Group on Community College Funding and Governance: Member through 2000.

The College Board, Mid-Atlantic Region Advisory Committee: Member, since 1999.

American Council on Education (ACE): Member of Commission on Advancement of Racial and Ethnic Equity, since 1999.

American Association of Women in Community Colleges: member since 1987. Upstate New York Coordinator, 1988-1991.


Middle States Commission on Higher Education - Member of accreditation teams since 1989. Accrediting Chair, member and team evaluator for annual college evaluations in New Jersey, Delaware, and Pennsylvania.

North Central Association of Colleges: Consultant Evaluator for college accreditation, 1997.

Participant - National Institute for Leadership Development, Training for future college CEO's, Phoenix, AZ, 1988. Women Presidents Retreat, 1999.

Presenter - Association of Community College Trustees, Southern/Northeast/Central Region Seminar, Charlotte, NC, 2000. "Responses to Demographic Changes."

Participant - Presidents' Academy, Institute for Community College CEO's, American Association of Community Colleges, Breckenridge, CO, 2000.

Presenter - American Association of Community Colleges, Atlanta, GA, 1996. "Visiting International Scholar Program Showcase."

Presenter - Illinois Council of Community College Administrators, Springfield, IL, 1992. "Merging Continuing Education into the Community College Mission." "Implementing Tech Prep with Secondary Schools, Industry, and the Community College."

Presenter - Two Year College Forum, Syracuse, NY, 1988. "Contract Training: A Comprehensive Mission." "The Nuts and Bolts of Contract Training."

Presenter - National Council of Community Services and Continuing Education, Toronto, Canada, 1986. "Business and Education: A Partnership Which Makes Sense."

Presenter - American Association of Community and Junior Colleges, Orlando, FL, 1986. "Business and Industry Training in New York State."

Recognition - Catalyst Award recipient, Harrisburg Regional Chamber and Capitol Region Economic Development Corporation, 2004.

Recognition - Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society, Shirley B. Gordon Award of Distinction, 2002.

Recognition - National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives, Harrisburg Chapter, Community Service and Volunteer of the Year Award, 2000.

Recognition - American Association of University Women, Harrisburg Branch, Community Woman of the Year, 2000.

Recognition - American Association for Women in Community Colleges, Carolyn Desjardins President of the Year Award, 2000.

Recognition - City of Harrisburg, Distinguished Public Service Award, June 1999.

Recognition - Dale LeBaron Award, Chamber of Commerce Award for Community Service, 1995.

Recognition - National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development, Master Teacher, 1991.

Recognition - Genesee 2000, Excellence Award for Economic Development, 1990.

Recognition - Western New York Education Center for Economic Development, Excellence Award, 1985.

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