Oct. 31, 2002
The public is invited to the first rummage sale at the Lancaster Campus of Harrisburg Area Community College on Saturday, November 9, from 8:30am to 1pm. The sale will take place in the cafeteria at the Lancaster Campus, located at 1641 Old Philadelphia Pike in Lancaster.

Proceeds from the sale will benefit the Association for Nontraditional Students at the Lancaster Campus, and the Lancaster Water Street Rescue Mission.

Students will accept donations for the sale on Friday, November 8, from 1:30pm to 4:30pm. Tables are available for $10 to individuals who would like to participate. Items for the rummage sale as well as craft items are accepted.

The Lancaster Campus reserves the right to decline items in unacceptable condition. For further information, contact the Lancaster Campus of HACC at (717) 358-2850, or email to the address listed below.

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