Nov. 8, 2001
A portion of the original AIDS Quilt, which was completely assembled in 1996 and displayed in Washington D.C., will be on display Wednesday and Thursday, November 28 and 29, at the Lebanon Campus of Harrisburg Area Community College. The community is invited to view the quilt, free of charge, in the all-purpose room at Lebanon-HACC from noon to 8pm on Wednesday, November 28 and, and 8am to 3pm on Thursday, November 29. The AIDS Quilt is a compilation of memorial quilts created by people who have lost loved ones to AIDS. The portion of the quilt that will be on display at Lebanon-HACC is part of a larger quilt, which, in its entirety, stretches across the entire Mall area in downtown Washington D.C.

"The quilt is a mosaic of people's lives," says adjunct instructor and project coordinator, Annette Beamesderfer. "It reminds us that there are mothers, fathers, grandparents, children, who have died of complications from AIDS. Exhibiting a portion of the AIDS quilt and recognizing World AIDS Day helps people deal with their loss, and shows the community that the disease can affect their neighbors, even their own families. It's quite moving."

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