May 16, 2000
The public as well as safety experts, emergency medical technicians, nurses, health care professionals, truck drivers, firefighters, educators, and industry managers are invited to an open house at the Public Safety Center of Harrisburg Area Community College on Friday evening, May 19, from 4pm to 10pm. The open house is held in recognition of Emergency Medical Week, May 14-20.

There will be equipment demonstrations of HACC's burn building, fire apparatus, police tactics, a police K-9 Unit, and emergency medical services (EMS) equipment.

Some of the demonstrations include:

  • HACC's burn building and other fire apparatus and equipment
  • Police equipment and K-9
  • Penn State Geisinger Life Lion helicopter display
  • EMS equipment
  • Bicycle safety
  • Aerial bucket ladders

Information will be available about careers opportunities in health care, HACC's EMS academy, certified nurse aide, fire and police academies, truck driving, and HACC's "fleet-driving" programs. Visitors will also have the opportunity to tour the Public Safety Center.

HACC's Public Safety Center is located at Entrance 5 of the college, along Industrial Road in Harrisburg. For more information, contact the Public Safety Center of HACC, telephone (717)780-2510.

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