Adult Basic Education classes, which provide educational opportunities for students who are interested in acquiring skills necessary to begin the GED process, will meet on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10am to 1pm beginning January 24, and continue until June 29, 2001. A second section is scheduled for the evening, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 5-9pm, from January 16 through June 28.
GED classes offer comprehensive instruction in math, reading, writing, science and social studies. Diagnostic pre- and post-tests are provided to help target essential skills needed to achieve the GED. The day section will be held 10am to 12:30pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from January 30 to June 21. Evening classes are scheduled for 6-9pm, Tuesdays and Thursdays, beginning January 30, through May 24.
After a student successfully passes all parts of the GED test and meets all of the requirements, as established by the Pennsylvania Department of Education, a Commonwealth Secondary School Certificate is awarded. Students are encouraged to enroll for the January start, however, enrollment may take place afterward at the beginning of a particular study cycle.
To register or for more information, contact Helen Wallace, in the Adult Basic Education and Developmental Studies Division of HACC, at (717) 780-2650, or 1-800-222-4222, ext. 2650.