Feb. 16, 2000
Jennifer Weaver, director of the Harrisburg Area Community College Gettysburg Campus, was appointed to serve as an Adams County representative to the South Central Workforce Investment Board's Youth Council. Under Pennsylvania's Unified Plan for Workforce Development, regional youth councils are being established by the Workforce Investment Boards to be responsible for developing and overseeing workforce development programming for at-risk youth between the ages of 14-21. The council will be coordinating youth policy and selecting youth service providers. The South Central Workforce Investment Board serves 1.3 million individuals in Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Juniata, Lebanon, Perry, and York counties.

As director of HACC's Gettysburg Campus, Weaver oversees the college's commitment to workforce and economic development, and to providing the Adams and western York County region with accessible and affordable academic programs, continuing education, and technical training for business and industry.

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