The next lecture will be held on Wednesday, November 17. The topic will be "Russian National Identity After the Fall of Communism," with Philip Grier, Ph.D., chair and professor of the philosophy department at Dickinson College.
The schedule for the remainder of the academic year includes:
Wednesday, February 16, 2000
"Affirmative Action: Mend It or End It?"
- Sol B. Vasquez-Otero, J.D.
Equity Coordinator, PA State System of Higher Education
Wednesday, March 15, 2000
"Three-Mile Island: Future Developments"
- Tom Kauffman, Director of Public Information, GPU Nuclear
Wednesday, April 19, 2000
"Beyond Biology: Metaphysical Brain Science"
- Charles S. Yanofsky, M.D.
President, Pennsylvania Neurological Associates
For further information about this lecture series and the Honors Program, please call Dr. Paul Carrick at (717) 780-2485, or visit the Rose Lehrman Arts Center, 213B.