Leadership III: Confidence as a Leader: Finding Your Purpose - Student Involvement

Date: Friday October 29, 2021 (This event occurred in the past.)
Time: 12:00 PM
  • Description:


    This is Dave Kelly’s most foundational leadership program. Dave talks about overcoming barriers, visualization, affirmations, risk taking, etc. The students get to work on some of these areas for a few minutes on their own and then share in breakout rooms with others. He also invites some to share with the full group.

    All current students are welcome.

    Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83437336905?pwd=YmFTU3FZWjBmdkExc1lXWkNqeDF5QT09

  • Location: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83437336905?pwd=YmFTU3FZWjBmdkExc1lXWkNqeDF5QT09
  • Categories:
    - Harrisburg Campus
    - Lebanon Campus
    - Special Events
    - York Campus
    - Gettysburg Campus
    - Lancaster Campus
    - Online Learning
    - Student Life