Nursing Information Session - Via Zoom

Date: Thursday November 16, 2023 (This event occurred in the past.)
Time: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Description:

    Get answers to all your nursing questions and hear about:

    Nursing careers
    HACC's programs
    Time commitment
    Essential Qualifications/Background Checks/Health Forms
    Application process

    Sessions tend to last about 2 hours (or more).

    RSVP to - be sure to include your name, HACCID, email, phone number and the date and time you wish to attend.

    Online VIA ZOOM. After RSVP'ing, students will receive details on how to connect.


  • Location: Zoom meeting - via internet
  • Contact Information:
    Name: Dr. Caren LaRue
  • Categories:
    - Health Careers