Lancaster Campus, Seventh Annual Lancaster Campus Humanities Symposium - Title: The American Dream CANCELED

Date: Tuesday April 7, 2020 (This event occurred in the past.)
Time: 9:30 AM - 7:30 PM
  • Description:

    Seventh Annual Lancaster Campus Humanities Symposium:  The American Dream

    Please explore the various activities in East 203 sometime during the symposium and share your own American Dream!  Contribute to our paper "My American Dream" quilt, view documentary shorts, and enjoy music featuring the theme of the dream in America. Enjoy refreshments, experience presentations, and explore the Humanities!

    Schedule of Events for Tuesday, April 7th:

    9:30-10:45     American Desires, Songs, Wishes, Dreams

    • This session invites participants to reexamine America - the literal and the figurative - the stories and the poetry. After a brief presentation on culture, writing, and philosophy, participants will have the opportunity to visit various writing stations, compose their own stories and poems, and share their original pieces. Prompts will be available to experiment with.  Presented by: Jeffrey Ihlenfeldt, Professor of English

    11:00-12:15     Only Sheep Need a Leader!

    • Anarchy and the American Dream - this session will provide a brief history of Anarchism in the United States along with connections between common anarchistic beliefs and what many perceive to be the American Dream. Misconceptions of Anarchism will also be discussed.  Presented by: Matthew Eberhart, Associate Professor of English

    12:30-1:45     Good Grief Charlie Brown: Peanuts and the American Dream

    • An American dream of persistence and hope slumbers in the comic strip Peanuts. This presentation will visit the career of cartoonist Charles Schultz, along with his creations Charlie Brown, Snoopy and their friends, to explore how a daily four-panel cartoon contains laughs for auspicious visions. Presented by: Seth Martin, Associate Professor of English

    2:00-3:15     Grapes and Gin

    • The presentation explores the American Dream in the works of John Steinbeck and F. Scott Fitzgerald, in particular in The Grapes of Wrath and The Great GatsbyPresented by: Kimberly Hall, Associate Proessor of English

    3:15-5:15     Field of Dreams (1989) directed by Phil Alden Robinson

    • Film Presentation:  Following a brief introduction by Professor Jeff Ihlenfeldt, this film about a vision of a baseball diamond in a cornfield in Iowa will be shown in its entirety. Join us to enjoy this unique fantasy about baseball and the power of a dream.


  • Location: Lancaster Campus, East Building, Room 203
  • Contact Information:
    Name: Cindy Rose
  • Categories:
    - Lancaster Campus