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 Developing an Assessment Plan 
 60th Anniversary 
 1964-2024 Celebrating 60 Years of Excellence: HACC Anniversary Extravaganza 
 Diamond Anniversary Gala 
 About HACC 
 About HACC 
 HACC’s Story Bank 
 SMS Campaign Terms of Service 
 The Vote 
 Tobacco-free Initiative 
 2019-22 Strategic Plan Status Report 
 2019-22 Strategic Planning Committee 
 2022-25 Strategic Planning 
 2022-26 Strategic Plan - One College, Uniting for Success 
 Journey to Excellence Strategic Plan Summary Report 
 Strategic Commitment 1: Attract and Enroll Students 
 Strategic Commitment 2: Retain Students and Foster Completion 
 Strategic Commitment 3: Sustain the College’s Resources 
 Business and Community 
 Business and Community Information 
 College Fact Sheet 
 College Designations 
 College Facts and History 
 Economic Contribution of HACC 
 HACC History 
 HACC’s Impact on the Community 
 Honorary Degrees 
 College Leadership 
 Board Benefits 
 Board of Trustees 
 College Leadership 
 President's Cabinet 
 Presidential Search 
 Office of the President 
 Office of the President 
 President Speaking Engagement/Event Participation Request Form 
 Strategic Plan 
 2022-25 Strategic Plan 
 2022-25 Strategic Plan Status Report 
 Core Values 
 Contact Us 
 Contact HACC 
 HACC Publications 
 HACC Publications 
 HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, and HACC Foundation 2018-19 Annual Report 
 HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, and HACC Foundation 2019-20 Annual Report 
 HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, and HACC Foundation 2020-21 Annual Report 
 HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, and HACC Foundation 2021-22 Annual Report 
 HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, and HACC Foundation 2022-23 Annual Report 
 HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, and HACC Foundation 2023-24 Annual Report 
 Human Resources 
 Human Resources 
 Retiree Benefits Information 
 Employment Opportunities 
 Employment Opportunities 
 Information for New Hires 
 Information for New Hires 
 Institutional Effectiveness 
 Curriculum Compliance 
 Institutional Effectiveness 
 Assessment Showcases 
 Assessment Archive 
 Assessment Showcases 
 Fall 2014 Assessment 
 Fall 2015 Assessment 
 Fall 2016 Assessment 
 Fall 2017 Assessment 
 Fall 2018 Assessment 
 Fall 2018 Assessment Reports 
 Fall 2019 Assessment 
 Fall 2020 Assessment 
 January 2014 Assessment Dialogue Day: A Focus on General Education 
 June 2013 Assessment Showcase: York Campus 
 Spring 2014 Assessment 
 Spring 2015 Assessment 
 Spring 2016 Assessment 
 Spring 2017 Assessment 
 Spring 2018 Assessment 
 Spring 2019 Assessment Report 
 Spring 2021 Assessment 
 Institutional Research 
 2014-15 to Current College Data Book 
 Archive College Data Book 
 College Data 
 Current College Data Book 
 Enrollment Reports 
 Graduate Data 
 Institutional Reporting 
 Policies and Compliance 
 Audited Financial Statements 
 HACC's Privacy Policy 
 Policies and Compliance 
 Right to Know 
 Sensitive Information Privacy Statement 
 Website Accessibility 
 Admissions: Get Started 
 Continue at HACC 
 Continuing HACC Guest Students 
 I Completed a HACC Application but Never Enrolled in Classes. 
 Info graphic webpage 
 Redirect - FutureGuest 
 Students Who Left HACC Without Completing Their Degree, Certificate or Diploma 
 Get Started 
 New Opportunities 
 Transfer to HACC 
 What's Next? 
 Campuses and Welcome Centers 
 Campuses and Welcome Centers 
 HACC ID, HACC UserID and Parking Pass FAQs 
 Off Campus Locations 
 Gettysburg Campus 
 Detailed Gettysburg Campus Map 
 HACC's Gettysburg Campus 
 Harrisburg Campus 
 Bruce E. Cooper Student Center 
 Detailed Harrisburg Campus Map 
 Detailed Midtown Map 
 HACC's Harrisburg Campus 
 Lancaster Campus 
 Detailed Lancaster Campus Map 
 HACC's Lancaster Campus 
 Lebanon Campus 
 Detailed Lebanon Campus Map 
 HACC remains YOURS in Lebanon 
 HACC's Lebanon Campus 
 York Campus 
 Detailed York Campus Map 
 HACC's York Campus 
 Connect with HACC 
 HACCpplication Days for Organizations 
 Learn More & Visit 
 Visit Us 
 How to Apply 
 Accepted Students 
 Application Information 
 Health Career Program Clinical Admission Criteria 
 High School Students 
 Frequently Asked Questions for HACC’s Dual Enrollment Programs 
 High School Students 
 International Students 
 Applying to HACC as an International Student 
 International Students 
 Contact International Admissions 
 Meet Your Recruiter 
 Contact Admissions 
 Placement Testing 
 Contact Test Center 
 Placement Testing 
 School District Sponsorship 
 School District Sponsorship for Certificate of Residence 
 State Residency Reclassification 
 Student Consumer Information 
 Student Consumer Information 
 Meet Abby: Found Her True Passion at HACC 
 Meet Abigail: Navy Veteran and Successful Nursing Student 
 Meet Aidan: Getting Ahead 
 Meet Alaric: Veteran and Business Student 
 Meet Alexander: Virtual Learning Student and Working Dad 
 Meet Alexandra: Explorer of Medical Career 
 Meet Alicia: Student Doing What’s Best For Her Future 
 Meet Alimata: Intern Who Landed a Job as a Junior Developer 
 Meet Alison: Surgical Technology Grad 
 Meet Amaris: Finishing Her Education on Her Own Terms 
 Meet Amaury: Impacting the World for Good 
 Meet Amber: Ready for a Beautiful Future 
 Meet Amber: Resilient Mom Who Wears Many Hats 
 Meet Amelia: HACC was her constant 
 Meet Anbria: High-Achieving Transfer Student 
 Meet Andres: Business Student in Lebanon 
 Meet Andrew: HVAC Expert in Training 
 Meet Andriana: Getting Everything She Needs at HACC 
 Meet Bachir: International Student from Niger 
 Meet Bailey: Avoids Higher Summer Costs by Coming to HACC 
 Meet Bailey: HACC Athlete 
 Meet Bailey: Striving to Succeed Through Art 
 Meet Bangyan Li 
 Meet Barbara: Veteran and Future Business Owner 
 Meet Ben: High School Achiever Taking College Classes 
 Meet Ben: Student Government Association President 
 Meet Betsy: Full-Time Mother Who Found Positivity at HACC 
 Meet Betty: Former Nontraditional Student and Community Advocate 
 Meet Brandi: Never Quitting on Herself 
 Meet Brian: Retired Executive Director and CEO of the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency (PHFA) 
 Meet Brianna: HACC and Cornell University Graduate 
 Meet Briley: Noncredit Scholarship Recipient 
 Meet Brittany: Aspiring Writer 
 Meet Carmen: First-Generation College Graduate 
 Meet Caroline: Achieving Her Goals 
 Meet Cassie: HACC Student Saving Thousands of Dollars 
 Meet Celina: Getting Ahead on Healthcare Studies 
 Meet Chanraksmey: First-Generation Student Finds Success at HACC 
 Meet Chase: Dean’s List Student 
 Meet Chelsea: Pursuing the Path She Loves 
 Meet Cheyenne: Survivor 
 Meet Chris: HACC Student Saving Lives 
 Meet Christian: Disney College Program Participant 
 Meet Christie: Virtual Student with a Full-Time Job 
 Meet Christopher: Liberal Arts Graduate 
 Meet Cody: HACC Alumnus Giving Back 
 Meet Cohen: Setting Up a Pattern for the Next Generation 
 Meet Corrie: Dreamer, Doer, Dean’s List Student 
 Meet Courtney: Focused on the Future 
 Meet Courtney: Getting a Degree for Herself, Her Future, Her Family 
 Meet Daniel: A Senior Leader in the Pharmaceutical Field 
 Meet Daniel: A Social Advocate and Business Leader 
 Meet Daniel: An Entrepreneur and Business Leader 
 Meet Daniel: Preparing for a Career that Suits Him 
 Meet Danielle: A Former Dual-Enrollment Student and Ph.D. Graduate 
 Meet Danielle: Loves Health Care 
 Meet Dante: Liberal Arts Graduate 
 Meet David: Advancing in a New Career 
 Meet Dawanda: Found Comfort at HACC 
 Meet Dawn: A Leader, Inventor, Facilitator, Author, Speaker and Coach 
 Meet Dennis: Human Services Student in York 
 Meet Derek: Today’s Modern Student 
 Meet Destine: Savvy Health Care Student 
 Meet Destini: A Community Advocate 
 Meet Devin: Overcoming Roadblocks to Move Forward 
 Meet Diwash: Balanced High School and College 
 Meet Dorothy: Former Business Leader and Professional Opera Singer 
 Meet Elijah: Training to be a First Responder 
 Meet Emily: Healthcare Management Transfer Student 
 Meet Emily: Scholarship Recipient, Future Social Worker 
 Meet Erin: Gerontology Program Grad and Nursing Student 
 Meet Ethan Poetic: Resiliency in Action 
 Meet Gary: A Lifelong Learner and HACC Foundation Board Member 
 Meet Hagir: A Social Advocate and Business Leader 
 Meet Hannah: HACC Grad and Aspiring Restaurateur 
 Meet Harvey: A Retired U.S. Army Serviceman and Education Professional 
 Meet Holly: Using her Degree to Help People Heal 
 Meet Ibrahim Lasisi 
 Meet Imogene: HACC Honors Program Fan 
 Meet Jackie: HACC Electrical Technology Alumna Who Gives Back Through Teaching 
 Meet Jacob: Continuing at the Right Pace at HACC 
 Meet Jacob: Pursuer of Hands-On Career 
 Meet Jasmine: Future Licensed Counselor 
 Meet Jason: Grateful for His Education 
 Meet Jeffrey: First-Generation Police Science Student 
 Meet Jemell: From D.O.C. to C.E.O 
 Meet Jennifer: Alumna Returns to HACC to Educate Students 
 Meet Jennifer: Online Psychology Student 
 Meet Jenny: Mom, Domestic Violence Survivor and Soon-to-Be HACC Graduate 
 Meet Jessica: Hard-Working Mother 
 Meet JoAnn: A Successful Human Resources Professional 
 Meet John: Former Police Chief 
 Meet Johnny: Brewing Science Alumnus 
 Meet Jordan and his helpful study buddy 
 Meet Jordyn: Developed Amazing Friendships at HACC 
 Meet Jose: Student Aide to Veterans at HACC 
 Meet Joseph Bambile 
 Meet Joseph: From College Dropout to Master’s Degree Holder 
 Meet Josh: HACC Alumnus Prepared for His Next Steps 
 Meet JT: Proud HACC Alumnus and Class Valedictorian 
 Meet Justin: Future Nurse 
 Meet Karen: Anesthesiologist and Community Advocate 
 Meet Karitza: Student who Transferred to HACC 
 Meet Kate: Dual Enrolled Homeschool Student 
 Meet Katherine: Motivated to Reach Her Goals 
 Meet Kathy: A Community Advocate 
 Meet Katrina: Proud HACC Community Member 
 Meet Kayla: First-Generation Student Finds Her Path Student 
 Meet Keichsla: Early Childhood Education Student 
 Meet Kevin: Mechanical Engineering Alum 
 Meet Kevin: Student who Returned to School with a New Heart 
 Meet Kristianna: Wants to Bring Joy! 
 Meet La-Kita: Helping Women Discover Their Purpose 
 Meet Lauren: Eager to Give Back 
 Meet Leslie: Completing an Entire Program from Home 
 Meet Lexi: Future Educator 
 Meet Linda Dolan, Donald E. Enders Jr. and James C. Enders 
 Meet Lindsay: HACC Grad Transforms Spaces 
 Meet Lindsey: Dedicated to Helping Veterans 
 Meet Maira: Pursuing a Career in Orthodontics 
 Meet Margaret: Proud and Passionate Welder 
 Meet Margaret: Working and Studying at Her Own Pace 
 Meet Mariana Saba 
 Meet Marie: College Student, Mom, Thespian 
 Meet Mariia: International Alumna 
 Meet Mary Grace: Alumna Who Gained Confidence at HACC 
 Meet Matt: HACC Graduate Who Followed His Own Path 
 Meet Megan: Future Medical School Student 
 Meet Mel: Student Who Found Her Fit 
 Meet Melanie: Family Inspired Her to Attend HACC, Pursue Medical Career 
 Meet Melissa: Always Dreamed of Attending HACC 
 Meet Melissa: Culinary Arts Student 
 Meet Melissa: Extremely Strong Single Mother 
 Meet Michael: Dual-Enrolled Student Ahead of the Game 
 Meet Michael: Facing Tomorrow with Confidence 
 Meet Michael: Police Academy Graduate 
 Meet Michelle: HACC and Harvard Alumna 
 Meet Michelle: Taking Non-Linear Journeys 
 Meet Michelle: Veteran, Criminal Justice Student 
 Meet Mikayla: Joining the Ranks of #WomenInTech 
 Meet Mona: Loves Learning 
 Meet Moses: Headed for Success in Tech 
 Meet Musa: Recommends HACC 
 Meet Myles: Environmental Science Student 
 Meet Myrthel: Appreciates the Options at HACC 
 Meet Naja: HACC Student Who Refuses to Quit 
 Meet Nathan: Reaching the Next Level 
 Meet Nathaniel: All-Star Achiever 
 Meet Olivia: Continuing a HACC Legacy 
 Meet our Students and Alumni! 
 Meet Owen: Combating Community College Stigma 
 Meet Patty: A Former Nontraditional Student 
 Meet Peter: Online Learner from Egypt 
 Meet Quentin: Expressive Student Leader 
 Meet Randi: Volunteer Firefighter 
 Meet Rebecca: A HACC Student who Came Back 
 Meet Rediate Balcha 
 Meet Rethea: Reaching Her Dream of Becoming a Nurse 
 Meet Rhianna: From Foster Care to Honors Program Student 
 Meet Ricardo: Baking and Pastry Arts Student 
 Meet Richard: Found a Second Chance at HACC 
 Meet Rita: Accounting Student Who Can Manage It All 
 Meet Rolando: Mechanical Engineering Technology Student 
 Meet Sara: Online Learner Thankful for HACC 
 Meet Sarah: Found Friends for Life at HACC 
 Meet Sean: Mechatronics Student who Landed a Full-Time Job 
 Meet Sherry: A Leader and Public Servant 
 Meet Shyasia: Future Nurse 
 Meet Silja: Honors Scholar 
 Meet Sophia: Medical Assisting Student 
 Meet Spring: Found Her Fit at HACC 
 Meet Starkisha: Single Mother of Seven Achieving Her Dreams 
 Meet Starson: Business Administration Student from Haiti 
 Meet Stephanie: HACC Student Who Found Her Calling 
 Meet Stephanie: Juggles Two Jobs and School 
 Meet Stephen: Becoming His Best at HACC 
 Meet Steve: Actor in Hollywood. 
 Meet Stevens: Scholarship Helped Him Focus on School 
 Meet Sydney: Sees Value in an Associate Degree 
 Meet Tabitha: Theatre Student and Playwright 
 Meet Tammy: First-Generation College Student 
 Meet Tanishia: Single Mom Who Wanted More 
 Meet Taqi: International Student who Credits HACC’s Faculty and Classes for his Success 
 Meet Tavian: Learning How to Fix Things on His Own 
 Meet Taylor: Dean’s List Student Working a Full-Time Job 
 Meet Thomas Long: Savoring Success 
 Meet Tim: Invasive Cardiovascular Technology Student 
 Meet Timothy: A Community Leader 
 Meet TK: Excited about the Future at 40 
 Meet Tsighereda: First-Generation Student Realizing Her Dream 
 Meet Umajah: Motivated Student and Mother 
 Meet Valerie: Proud HACC Hawk 
 Meet Vanish: Finding HACC Changed His Life 
 Meet Verna: Facing Tests for Her Testimony 
 Meet Victor: Bucknell Community College Scholar 
 Meet Vincent: Veteran Changing His Career Path 
 Meet William: Talented HACC Alumnus 
 Meet Yedidia: Multilingual Student 
 Meet Yi: Making a Dream Come True 
 Meet Zachary: Father of Five and College Student 
 Tuition and Due Dates 
 Dates and Deadlines 
 Total Cost of Attendance 
 Tuition 2023-24 
 Tuition and Due Dates 
 Welcome Center 
 Alumni Headlines 
 Welcome to your HACC Alumni Association 
 Alumni Association FAQs 
 Alumni Association FAQs 
 Alumni Benefit Proposal 
 Benefits of the Alumni College Card 
 Distinguished Alumni Award 
 60th Anniversary Cohort 
 HACC's Distinguished Alumni Award 
 Update Your Information Here 
 Stay Connected 
 Stay Connected 
 Successful Alumni 
 Betty Snyder's Story 
 Brian A. Hudson Sr. 
 Christopher J. Pollock 
 Daniel M. Ashby 
 Daniel Thau's Story 
 Danielle Y. Hairston Green 
 Dawn Mahan 
 Donald Pollard 
 Hagir Elsheikh's Story 
 Harvey Lyter's Story 
 JoAnn L Edwards 
 Joshua McManness 
 Karen Morris-Priester 
 La-Verna Fountain 
 Thomas Rooney 
 Upcoming Trips 
 Upcoming Trips 
 HACC Alumni Committee Application 
 Why Become a HACC Alumni Committee Member? 
 HACC Events Calendar 
 Campus Life 
 Campus Life 
 Inclusion, Diversity and Belonging 
 Diversity Innovation Fund 
 Inclusion, Diversity and Belonging 
 Men of Color Initiative 
 Resources for an Inclusive Community 
 Community Standards and Student Engagement 
 Code of Conduct Frequently Asked Questions 
 Community Standards and Student Engagement 
 Conduct Record Requests 
 Report a Community Standards Incident 
 Student Conduct Process 
 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policies 
 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policies 
 EEOC Policy 
 Institutional Equity 
 Title IX 
 Parking & Public Safety 
 Appeal a Parking Citation 
 Citizen Complaint 
 Clery Act Statistics 
 e2Campus Alerts 
 e2Campus FAQs 
 Parking & Public Safety 
 Parking and Public Safety Services 
 Report a Crime 
 Student Activities 
 Affinity Groups 
 Phi Theta Kappa 
 Student Activities 
 Student Government 
 Student Involvement 
 Voter Registration 
 Career Services 
 Career Services 
 Career Resources 
 Career Resources 
 Career Services FAQ 
 Career Services FAQs 
 Connect with Career Services 
 Christy Ramos - M.A., NCC 
 Connect with Career Services 
 Danelle Miller 
 Jason Dommel, M.A. 
 Julianne-Petrilla, M.Ed. 
 Julie Herink, M.S. 
 Kathleen Dormer Carusone 
 Lorie Sonnen, M.S. 
 Rob Hagstrom 
 Roberto Marti, MBA & MME 
 Sharon Zortman 
 Employer Services 
 Employer Services 
 Internships and Experiential Learning 
 Internships and Experiential Learning 
 Job and Internship Board 
 Job and Internship Board 
 HACC Foundation 
 Fundraising Campaign Packet Request Form 
 HACC Foundation Fundraising Support Request Form 
 HACC Foundation Home Page 
 HACC Offers People Empowerment (HOPE) Grants 
 HACC Sponsorship Request Form 
 Johnson Controls Scholars Program 
 Raiser's Edge Report and Research Request Form 
 Site Map 
 Your Gift at Work Donor Survey 
 About HACC Foundation 
 About the HACC Foundation 
 Spirit of Philanthropy 
 Become A Board Member 
 Become a Board Member 
 HACC Foundation Board Application 
 Board Members 
 Aaysha Noor 
 Diane Grove 
 Donald Sites 
 Dr. Ski 
 Eric Hagarty 
 Jamie Berrier 
 Jonathan Bowser 
 Joseph E. Alsberry 
 Kathleen Brickner 
 Linnie Carter 
 Meet Our HACC Foundation Board Members 
 Sheri Leo 
 Terry Davis 
 Thomas B. Richey 
 Donate in Memory of a Loved One or Friend 
 Fundraising Campaign FAQs 
 We Need YOUR Help. HACC Students Are Hungry. 
 Fundraising Campaign 
 2015-20 Fundraising Campaign 
 Fenninger Hospitality 
 Funds for Excellence 
 Alumni Fund for Excellence 
 Fund for Developmental Excellence 
 Fund for Excellence for Arts Programming 
 Fund for Excellence for CARE 
 Fund for Excellence for Learning Commons 
 Fund for Excellence in Health Care 
 Fund for Excellence in STEM 
 Fund for Teacher Excellence 
 Fund for Workforce Excellence 
 Fund for York Campus Excellence 
 Fund Inclusive Excellence 
 Funds for Excellence 
 Global Fund for Excellence 
 Harrisburg Fund for Excellence 
 Nursing Fund for Excellence 
 PSC Fund for Excellence 
 Student Success Fund for Excellence at the Gettysburg 
 Student Success Fund For Lebanon Excellence 
 The Fund for ESL Excellence 
 Give Now 
 Give Now 
 Methods to Give 
 Methods to Give 
 Planned Giving 
 Sample Bequest Language Information 
 Our Generous Donors 
 2015-16 HACC Foundation Donor List 
 2016-17 HACC Foundation Donor List 
 2017-18 HACC Foundation Donor List 
 2018-19 HACC Foundation Donor List 
 2019-20 HACC Foundation Donor List 
 2020-21 HACC Foundation Donor List 
 2021-22 HACC Foundation Donor List 
 2022-23 HACC Foundation Donor List 
 2023-24 HACC Foundation Donor List 
 2024-25 HACC Foundation Donor List 
 Our Generous Donors 
 Fundraiser for Mary-Lynne Weber Memorial Scholarship 
 HACC Foundation Events 
 Hosting Fundraising Events 
 Jeffrey Gaines Fundraising Concert 
 Giving Tuesday 
 Giving Tuesday Thank You 
 Greatest Need 
 Greatest Need 
 Impact of the HACC Foundation 
 County-Based Donor Support Positively Impacts HACC Foundation Scholarship Program 
 Donation Chart 
 HACC Foundation Scholarship Recipients and Tuition Giveaway Recipients 
 Impact of the HACC Foundation 
 Next Steps for Johnson Controls Scholars Program 
 Naming Opportunities 
 Claim Your Bench and Leave YOUR Legacy! 
 Community for Cooper Brick Paver Program 
 Emergency Assistance Fund Naming Program 
 Naming Opportunities 
 Naming Opportunities Gettysburg Campus 
 Naming Opportunities Harrisburg Campus 
 Naming Opportunities Lancaster Campus 
 Naming Opportunities Lebanon Campus 
 Naming Opportunities York Campus 
 Naming Policy 
 Scholarship Naming Program 
 Space Naming Opportunities 
 Tree Naming Program 
 Paxton Gift 
 About the Donors: The Paxtons 
 Leave YOUR HACC Legacy 
 Paxton Gift Information 
 Explore STEAM 
 Explore STEAM at HACC 
 Steam Programs at HACC 
 STEAM Funds 
 Fund for Excellence in STEAM 
 STEAM Media Kit 
 Media Kit 
 Paxton Bequest FAQs 
 PNC Initiative 
 PNC Foundation Grant FAQs 
 Adopt-A-Program Sponsorship Levels 
 Crowdfunding Campaign Sponsorship Levels 
 GivingTuesday Sponsorship Levels Chart 
 Sponsorship benefit levels 
 Sponsorship Levels Chart 
 HACC Heroes 
 HACC Heroes 
 Harrisburg Promise 
 Harrisburg Promise 
 Harrisburg Promise Donors and Volunteers 
 Harrisburg Promise Students and Parents 
 Important Information About Harrisburg Promise Scholarship 
 ITT Students 
 ITT Students 
 Building a Stronger State System of Higher Education for All Pennsylvanians 
 Class of Fall 2023 Celebrated at HACC’s Commencement 
 Forging Success for Black Men at Community Colleges 
 From Cape Verde to HACC to Harvard: Triplets and Brother Build Bright Futures 
 Getting Pronouns Right 
 HACC Adds $1.2 Billion to the Regional Economy 
 HACC Adopts 2024-25 Budget 
 HACC and Green Flower Enhance Cannabis Program 
 HACC Announces 2023-24 Part-Time Dean's List, HACC Culinary Students Participate in Hands-On Cooking Demonstration with JJS 
 HACC Announces Spring 2024 Full-Time Dean’s List 
 HACC Celebrates Spring and Summer 2024 Graduating Students 
 HACC Continues to Celebrate Fall 2024 Graduates 
 HACC Debuts Pickleball Courts on Harrisburg Campus 
 HACC Film and Theatre Students Present Tony Award-Winning ‘Angels in America’ 
 HACC Foundation Appoints New Board Member 
 HACC Foundation Appoints New Board Member Sheri Leo 
 HACC Foundation Continues Life-Changing Work in 2024 
 HACC Foundation Continues to Make an Impact to Benefit Students 
 HACC Foundation Honors Gary Laabs as Director Emeritus 
 HACC Foundation Receives Two Generous Gifts 
 HACC Graduates 840 to Help Fill High Priority Occupations, Continues to Celebrate Graduates 
 HACC Launches Search for College’s Eighth President 
 HACC Paramedic Students to Participate in 24-Hour Shift to Gain Real-Life Experience 
 HACC Receives $2.2 Million Grant to Support Student Success Initiatives 
 HACC Receives Upgraded Bond Rating from S&P Global Ratings 
 HACC Receives Workforce Development Grant from Johnson Controls for Second Year 
 HACC Recognizes Academic Excellence, Fall 2023 Graduates 
 HACC to Celebrate 1,160 Eligible Graduating Students 
 HACC to Celebrate 760 Eligible Graduating Students 
 HACC to Celebrate More than 800 Eligible Graduating Students 
 HACC to Host Health Enrollment Fairs for Veterans 
 HACC to Host Military and Veteran Resource Fair 
 HACC to Host Military and Veteran Resource Fair for Active Military and Veterans 
 HACC to Host Screening of ‘NEPADOC’ Followed by Q&A Session with Documentarian David Heineman 
 HACC Turns 60, HACC Foundation Recruiting New Leaders 
 John J. "Ski" Sygielski, MBA, Ed.D., HACC President and CEO, Announces Retirement 
 Study Finds HACC Contributes $1.2 Billion to Region 
 Transformational Impact of the HACC Foundation on HACC Students and the Central Pennsylvania Community 
 UPMC and HACC Partner to Help Individuals Pursue a Rewarding Career as Imaging Technologists 
 Why a HACC Degree Is Worth YOUR Investment 
 YOUR Favorite Community College is 60. What Might the Next 60 Years Look Like? 
 Articles of 1999 
 Articles of 2000 
 Articles of 2001 
 Articles of 2002 
 Articles of 2003 
 Articles of 2004 
 Articles of 2005 
 Articles of 2006 
 Articles of 2007 
 Articles of 2008 
 Articles of 2009 
 Articles of 2010 
 Articles of 2011 
 Articles of 2012 
 Articles of 2013 
 Articles of 2014 
 Articles of 2015 
 Articles of 2016 
 Articles of 2017 
 Articles of 2018 
 Articles of 2019 
 Articles of 2020 
 Articles of 2021 
 Articles of 2022 
 Articles of 2023 
 HACC Encourages Underserved Individuals to Apply for Johnson Controls Scholars Program 
 Articles of 2024 
 Articles of 2025 
 Linnie Carter, Ph.D., APR, Vice President of College Advancement, HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College 
 Office of College Advancement 
 Pam Saylor's Retirement 
 Paying for School 
 Financial Aid FAQs 
 Net Price Calculator 
 Pay for School 
 Aid Situation Changes 
 Situations That May Impact Your Financial Aid 
 Applying for Aid 
 Applying for Aid 
 Financial Aid for Guest/International Students 
 Transferring and Financial Aid 
 Can I Get Financial Aid? 
 Can I Get Financial Aid? 
 Student Employment 
 Financial Aid Basics 
 Financial Aid Basics 
 Financial Aid Situation Changes 
 Contact Financial Aid 
 Contact Financial Aid 
 Redirect ContactFinancialAid 
 Financial Aid Terms 
 Financial Aid Terms 
 How Do I Pay My Bill? 
 1098T Forms 
 Employer Contracts 
 How Do I Pay My Bill? 
 Parent/Authorized User Payments 
 Student Invoice 
 Payment Plan 
 Payment Plan 
 Receiving Your Aid 
 Receiving Your Aid 
 Refund Information 
 How to Verify Address and Phone Number 
 Refund Information 
 Refunds/BankMobile Disbursements 
 Request a Refund 
 Types of Aid 
 Student Employment 
 Types of Financial Aid 
 Additional Borrowing Options 
 Federal Loans 
 Repaying Your Loans 
 Apply for HACC Scholarships 
 Credit Scholarships 
 HACC Academic and Workforce Development Full-Ride Scholarship 
 Noncredit Scholarship FAQs 
 Noncredit Scholarships 
 Private Scholarships 
 Scholarship Application Help 
 Scholarship FAQs 
 Scholarship Timeline 
 Veterans Benefits 
 Useful Links for Veterans 
 Veterans Funding 
 Education Assistance Program for National Guard 
 GI Bill 
 Veterans Funding 
 What is Financial Aid 
 Constitution Day 
 Six Signs of a Scam 
 What is Financial Aid? 
 Programs and Courses 
 Changes to HACC’s Culinary Arts Program 
 HACC's Full List of Programs 
 Program & Courses 
 Redirect - 2019 Programs 
 Redirect - Digital Art Tech 
 Start YOUR Healthcare Career in Nine Months! 
 Adult Education & GED 
 Adult Degree Completion 
 Contact Adult Basic Ed 
 GED Preparation Classes 
 General Education Diploma (GED) and Adult Degree Completion 
 Inglés como Segunda Lengua/¡Contáctenos! 
 Class Schedules 
 Search Class Schedules 
 Noncredit Courses 
 Community Education 
 Computer/IT Training 
 Customized Employee Training 
 Health Career Education Programs 
 Noncredit to Credit Pathways 
 Noncredit/Workforce Development Courses 
 PA KEYS Early Childhood Education 
 Professional Development 
 Redirect Corporate 
 Redirect Noncredit Courses 
 Workforce Development - Noncredit Frequently Asked Questions 
 National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC)/WorkKeys 
 Online Degrees 
 Fully Online Degrees 
 General Education Mobile GEM Program 
 Online Courses FAQs 
 Online Courses Self-Assessment 
 Online Learning 
 Academic Accreditation 
 Choose YOUR Engineering Journey At HACC 
 Computer Science Contest 
 Course Catalog 
 English as a Second Language (ESL) 
 Faculty Art Work 
 HACC Computer Science Contest Registration Form 
 High School Math Contest 
 Program Closure 
 Student Art Work 
 View All Programs 
 Health Careers 
 Can't Decide on a Health Career? 
 Cardiac Sonographer 
 Cardiovascular Technologist - Invasive 
 Community Health Worker 
 Computed Tomography (CT) 
 Contact Health Careers 
 Dental Assistant 
 Dental Hygienist 
 Dental Treatment Facility 
 Diagnostic Medical Sonographer 
 Expanded Functions Dental Assisting Program 
 Health Care Management 
 Health Careers 
 Health Careers Information Sessions 
 Health Careers Programs Offered 
 Health Careers Resources 
 Health Careers Shadowing 
 Health Science 
 How Do I Get Started in a Health Career? 
 Human Service/Social Services 
 Lancaster County Nurse Aide Training Program 
 Massage Therapist 
 Medical Assistant 
 Medical Laboratory Technician 
 Nurse - LPN Transitional Track (LPN to RN) 
 Nurse Aide 
 Nurse-RN & LPN Re-Entry & Reactivation 
 Nursing Clinical Application and TEAS Information 
 Nursing Home Administrator-INACTIVE 
 Personal Care Home Administrator 
 Personal Trainer 
 Radiologic Technologist 
 Radiology Informatics 
 Redirect Nurse-RN LPN Re-Entry Reactivation 
 Reflexology National Certification Prep Course 
 Respiratory Therapist 
 Surgical Technologist 
 TEAS Exam Information 
 Programs FAQs 
 Programs FAQs 
 Transferring Your Credits 
 Transferring Credits from HACC 
 Transferring Credits to HACC 
 Transferring Your Credits 
 Public Safety Center 
 First Responder Camp 
 Senator John J. Shumaker Public Safety Center 
 Senator John J. Shumaker Public Safety Center History 
 Urban Search & Rescue Training 
 American Heart Association (AHA) 
 Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) and Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) 
 American Heart Association Training 
 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) 
 Automotive Technology Training 
 Automotive Technology Training 
 Civilian Firearms Training 
 Civilian Firearms Training and Safety 
 Contact Public Safety Center 
 Contact the Senator John J. Shumaker Public Safety Center 
 EMS Training Programs 
 Redirect Instructor classes 
 Facility Rental Information 
 Senator John J. Shumaker Public Safety Center Facility Rental Information 
 Blended/Online Fire Training Programs 
 Driver/Operator Fire Training Programs 
 Entry-Level Fire Training Programs 
 Fire Management Training Programs 
 Fire Service Professional Certification Testing 
 Fire Training Programs 
 Fire Upcoming Events 
 Hazardous Materials (HazMat) Training 
 OSHA Courses 
 Suppression Level Fire Training Programs 
 Technical Rescue & Special Operations Fire Training Programs 
 Law Enforcement 
 Law Enforcement Training 
 Mandatory In-Service Training (MIST) 
 Police Academy/Act 120 
 PSC Online Classes 
 Public Safety Center Online Classes 
 Security Training 
 Lethal Weapons/Act 235 
 SPSC Registration 
 Registration and Policies 
 Transportation Logistics 
 Transportation and Logistics 
 2017-18 Annual Report 
 Cancellations, Closings and Class Information 
 CASEF Coming to HACC! 
 HACC Sponsorship Request Form 
 HACC Sponsorship Request Submission 
 Internet Service Disruption Update 
 Jobs Searching 
 One-College Philosophy - Redirect 
 Organizational Transformation Feedback 
 Redirect - 2017AnnualReport 
 Redirect - AnnualReport2017 
 Self Screening 
 Something Good 
 Student Awards Application Form 
 Retirees and Emeriti 
 HACC Theatre Productions 
 Rose Lehrman Arts Center 
 About the Gallery 
 About the Gallery 
 Art Gallery 
 Rose Lehrman Art Gallery 
 Gallery Archives 
 Gallery Archives 
 Dual Admission Colleges 
 HACC's Bookstores 
 Meet HACC’s Campus Moms 
 Redirect - CampusMoms 
 Academic Support 
 Academic Support 
 Informational Videos 
 Test Center 
 Academic Calendars 
 2023-24 Academic Calendar 
 2024-25 Academic Calendar 
 2025-26 Academic Calendar 
 2026-27 Academic Calendar 
 College Calendars 
 Final Exam Schedule 
 Weather Announcements 
 Advising Services 
 Student Access Services 
 Accessing Disability Services 
 Contact Student Access (formerly Disability) Services 
 High School Documentation 
 Student Access (formerly Disability) Forms and Links 
 Student Access (formerly Disability) Services 
 Student Success Coaching 
 Meet your HACC Success Team 
 Student Success Coaching 
 Student Success Technologies 
 Student Success Technologies 
 Transfer Services 
 Bucknell Community College Scholars Program 
 Four-Year Transfer Partners 
 Transcript Evaluation 
 Transcript Frequently Asked Questions 
 Transcript Request 
 Transfer Events 
 Transferring from HACC 
 Transfer Agreements 
 Dual Admission Colleges 
 Dual Admissions 
 Transfer Agreements 
 Degree Evaluation 
 GPA Calculators 
 Wellness, Athletics, Recreation and Engagement (WARE) 
 Career Services 
 Allena McCloud, MS, Coordinator Transfer Education 
 Career Resources 
 Carrie Heikes 
 Commencement and Graduation 
 Congratulations, HACC Graduates! 
 Fall 2021 Commencement 
 Fall 2022 Commencement 
 Fall 2023 Commencement 
 Fall 2024 Commencement 
 Fall Commencement 
 Graduate Ceremony Information 
 Guest Ceremony Information 
 Spring 2021 Commencement 
 Spring 2022 Commencement 
 Spring 2023 Commencement 
 Spring 2024 Commencement 
 Spring Commencement 
 Dining Options 
 Dining Options 
 Faculty and Staff Directory 
 Faculty and Staff Directory 
 Learning Commons and Library 
 Learning Commons and Library 
 HACC Library 
 New Student Orientation 
 Campus Safety for New Students 
 New Student Orientation 
 Student Services and Resources 
 Non-Academic Support 
 Non-Academic Support 
 CARE Center 
 CARE Center 
 Child Care 
 Child Care 
 KEYS Program 
 KEYS Program 
 Mental Health 
 Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Resources 
 Wellness Resources 
 Mental Health Resources 
 Register Online Guide 
 Add and Drop Deadlines 
 Continuing Military 
 Dropping, Adding or Withdrawing 
 Register Online Guide 
 Registration Dates and Deadlines 
 Student Rights to Records and Privacy/FERPA 
 Waitlist FAQs 
 Special Services 
 Global Education 
 Special Services 
 Underrepresented Student Resources 
 International Student Resources 
 International Student Services 
 Veteran Student Worker 
 Non-Veteran Resources 
 Non-Veteran Resources 
 Technical Support 
 Technical Resources 
 Transferring from HACC 
 Redirect - Transfer 
 Transfer Search Act 
 Visual and Performing Arts 
 Art 2130 
 Art 2130 Course Descriptions 
 Graphic & Interactive Design 2200 and 2841 Programs 
 Graphic & Interactive Design 2841 Course Descriptions 
 Graphic Design 2200 Course Descriptions 
 Photography 2200/2850 
 Photography 2400/2850 Course Descriptions 
 Theatre 2500 
 Theatre 2500 Course Descriptions 
 Visual and Performing Arts Home Page