Nursing Information Session VIA ZOOM

Date: Wednesday June 3, 2020 (This event occurred in the past.)
Time: 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Description:

    Get answers to all your nursing questions and hear about

    Nursing careers
    HACC's programs
    Time commitment
    Essential Qualifications/Background Checks/Health Forms
    Application process

    Please join Zoom session on time.  Sessions tend to last about 2 hours - one hour presentation followed by a question/answer period.

    RSVP to Patsy Lavinia - - be sure to include your name, HACCID and the date and time you wish to attend.

    THIS WILL BE VIA ZOOM. After RSVP'ing, students will receive details on how to connect.

  • Location: Zoom meeting - via internet
  • Contact Information:
    Name: Patsy Lavinia
  • Categories:
    - Health Careers