Setting Your Sights on Spring and Home Gardening will be offered Friday, Feb. 24, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., at the Harrisburg Campus. Cost is $60.
The day will begin with registration and a continental breakfast from 8-8:30 a.m. Six sessions and lunch are included.
Sessions include the following: Let's Create a Low Maintenance Garden, Controlling Insects and Bugs that Bug You, Planning the Four Seasons Garden, Selecting Trees and Shrubs that Enhance, Camouflaging Eyesore Areas with Helpful Plants, Helpful Lawn Maintenance Tips that Yield Great Results.
Registration and information on this and other community education, professional development, and workforce training courses is available in HACC's non-credit course schedule at or by calling (717) 780-2414 or 780-2616. Credit cards may be taken as payment by phone.