The Merchant of Venice, set against a backdrop of high stakes finance and high stakes romance, tells the tale of long time enemies, two opposing cultures, two beautiful women and one pound of flesh woven into a tale of old-worn hatreds, new-found loves, long-time friendships and family betrayals.
Directed by HACC theatre Professor Marnie Brennan, the cast (in alphabetical order) features: Aron Agerton as the Duke of Venice; Myron Byas as the Prince Morocco; Vince Dangolovich as Launcelot; Kristen Danzi as Jessica; Nate Delp as Salarino; Mark Dundore as Stephano; Dan Hackman as Bassanio; Sean Hackman as Gratiano; Ryan Hays as Lorenzo; Josh Lebo as Solanio; Sean McCormack as Prince Arragon; Jonathan Rooney as Shylock; Elizabeth Schiavo as Nerissa; Brandon Smiley as Salerio; Ada Smith-Sparling as Portia; Tristan Stasiulis as Antonio; and Steve Zeigler as Tubal.
TheatreWorks version of Shakespeare's most controversial play takes place in Italy in the early 1930's and features a set designed by Dave Olmsted, scenic designer/production manager, complemented by lighting designed by Lori Friedlander, theatre technical director, and period costumes designed by HACC theatre instructor, Paul Foltz.
HACC TheatreWorks presents The Merchant of Venice on Friday, November 18 and Saturday, November 19 at 8pm. Adult ticket price is $9 and student price is $7. The Box Office phone is 231- ROSE (7673). Advanced ticket purchase is recommended. This performance is not appropriate for children under 14 years of age.