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Meet Jessica: Hard-Working Mother

 Carlisle, PA

“I feel I have a sense of purpose for my future.”

Date published: June 17, 2021

Jessica, a student in HACC’s Radiologic Technology Program, works hard inside and outside of the classroom. She is a mother to two young girls and sees her experiences as a college student having a positive impact on her children. Jessica said, “I have noticed they are excited and eager to learn with their schooling because they see their mommy excited and eager to learn.”

Motherhood has shaped Jessica’s life in other ways. She was raised by a single mother who worked three jobs. “She was such a strong woman who always told me I could be anything I set out to be and to always give my best shot toward my dreams,” she said.

Jessica started at HACC later in life than some people. She said that she overcame nerves about coming to college by talking to friends in her age group who decided to further their educations at HACC. “They cheered me on and reassured me that I was making such an amazing decision by enrolling at HACC,” she said.

According to Jessica, one thing others might not know about HACC is “There is so much help at the click of a mouse to help you make it to your goal.”

After completing the associate degree program, Jessica would like to get a job at a hospital or orthopedic facility doing x-rays.

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Meet Jessica: Hard-Working Mother